Faces of Ukrainian immigration in Poland. From workers to refugees

When: Thursday, 28 April 2022, 17:00-18:30. Where: Konferenzraum IPW (A222), NIG building, 2nd floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

Talk by Dr hab. Monika Trojanowska-Strzęboszewska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw)


Thursday, 28 April 2022, 17:00-18:30


Konferenzraum IPW (A222),
NIG building, 2nd floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna


Registration is not required. Prior to the event please consult the current COVID-19 regulations of the University of Vienna. If you have any questions, please contact maximilian.riegele@univie.ac.at.


Faces of Ukrainian immigration in Poland. From workers to refugees.

The talk will present changes in immigration to Poland in the last decade. It will focus on the citizens of Ukraine, who constitute the largest group of immigrants in Poland. I will discuss the scale of Ukrainian immigration, the motives of migration, and the main features of immigration. I will also take a look at the reaction of Polish society, state and local authorities. Ukrainian migration to Poland will be analysed in two periods. The first started in 2014 when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out and caused a growing influx of Ukrainian immigrants to Poland who entered the labour market. The vast majority ofUkrainians stayed in Poland even during Covid-19. The second period began on February 24, 2022, when thousands of Ukrainians set off to cross the border with Poland in search of peace and security. My analysis will show the process of Poland's transformation from an emigration to an immigration country, and the specificities of Polish migration policy.


Trojanowska-Strzęboszewska Monika – PhD, Political Scientist, Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Sciences and Administration of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (CSWU) in Warsaw. Head of the Department of European Studies. Member of the CSWU Inter-institute Unit for Migration Research and the CSWU Interdisciplinary Migration Research Network. Her research interests include issues related to the functioning of the European Union's external borders, the Schengen Area, immigration and asylum policies in the EU, and the perception of immigrants in political discourse. She is the author of numerous publications, e.g., Immigrants and refugees in Europe. Political, social and cultural challenges (edited, with J. Balicki, 2020) Unia Europejska w poszukiwaniu swoich granic [European Union in the search of its borders] (edited, 2017), System Schengen a imigracja z perspektywy Polski i Niemiec [Schengen system and immigration from Polish and German perspectives], (edited, 2014); Trzy oblicza unijnych granic. Polityka granic zewnętrznych Unii Europejskiej [Three faces of the EU external borders. The external border policy of the European Union], (2011).