Online and on-site IPW Lecture: Jane Freedman - Understanding Gendered Violence and Control at European Borders

When: Thursday, 28 October 2021, 18:30. Where: Hörsaal 2 IPW (H2), NIG, 2. Stock, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Lecturer: Jane Freedman (Université Paris-VIII). Moderation: Madita Erdmann (IPW).

Invitation to the IPW Lecture Understanding Gendered Violence and Control at European Borders

Lecturer: Jane Freedman (Université Paris-VIII)
Moderation: Madita Erdmann (IPW | University of Vienna)

When: Thursday, 28 October 2021, 18:30
Where: Hörsaal 2 IPW (H2), NIG, 2nd floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna (please note the current COVID-19 hygiene rules of the University of Vienna)
and online via Zoom (registration required for online participation only!)


The presentation seeks to discuss and analyse various forms of gendered and racialized violence and control produced at European borders and by European migration regimes. Whilst sexual and gendered violence as a cause for migration and during journeys to Europe is increasingly discussed, less attention is paid to violence which occurs at EU borders and within Member States. Migrants and refugees are presented increasingly as a “threat” which must be answered by increasing securitization. Often the question of violence is treated in culturalist terms which focus attention on so-called “traditional” violence supposed to emanate from patriarchal conditions in societies of origin. Here we will seek to understand how EU border and migration regimes create conditions and situations of vulnerability to violence, and the multiple actors who contribute to this, including in some cases the humanitarian actors who “help” migrants and refugees. 

Registration for online participation:

Further information