Publikationshinweis: Global Quality of Democracy as Innovation Enabler. Measuring Democracy for Success von David F.J. Campbell

Die überarbeitete Fassung der Habilitationsschrift von David F. J. Campbell wurde von Palgrave Macmillan als Monographie veröffentlicht: Global Quality of Democracy as Innovation Enabler. Measuring Democracy for Success (2019). Darin werden Bezüge zwischen Demokratiequalität, Wissensdemokratie und Innovation untersucht. Das empirische Modell vergleicht Freiheit, Gleichheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung.


This book assesses the interconnectedness of democracy and economic development. It concentrates on how to conceptualize and to measure democracy and quality of democracy in global comparison. The author makes the argument that a quality-of-democracy understanding based on sustainable development relates crucially with economic growth, but more so with economic development. The empirical macro-model focuses on approximately 151 countries and covers about a twelve-year period of 2002-2014, identifying the following basic dimensions as being relevant for further analysis: freedom, equality, control, sustainable development, and self-organization (political self-organization). Readers will appreciate the global perspective the work offers.

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