News Archive

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

The Department of Political Science seeks to fill a position of a Visiting Professor for four months (October 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025). The...

Neuigkeiten | News

Barbara Prainsack & Nikolaus Forgó commented on the new AI regulation in the EU in the journal Nature Medicine. The European Union’s new AI Act...

Veranstaltungen | Events

When: Wednesday, April 17 2024, 16:30 – 18:00. Where: Konferenzraum, Department for Political Science, NIG, 2nd floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010...

Publikationen | Publications

Ulrich Brand together with Miriam Lang contributed to the book "The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions"

Publikationen | Publications

New Blogpost by Paul Dunshirn, university assistant predoctoral at the research plattform DIGIGOV and the ERC project MARIPOLDATA.

Publikationen | Publications

The Blog of Oxford University Press has published an article by Magnus Schoeller and Olof Karlsson (EIF).

Publikationen | Publications

Peter Slominski, Patrick Müller and Wolfgang Sagmeister have published a new article in JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies.

Publikationen | Publications

Timo Seidl has published an article together with Oliver Nachtwey in Theory, Culture & Society.

Publikationen | Publications

Timo Seidl has published a new article with Luuk Schmitz in Frontiers in a Special Issue fpr the Journal of European Public Policy.