Dr. David Campbell, Privatdoz.


David F. J. Campbell is an Associate Professor for Comparative Political Science at the University of Vienna.

E-Mail: david.campbell@univie.ac.at or dfjcampbell.research@gmail.com
Homepage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GSNvicMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Consultation Hour

After agreement


Courses: u:find

Research Focuses

Comparative Political Science; Quality of Democracy; Knowledge; Knowledge Democracy and Knowledge Economy; Higher Education Systems; Innovation; Art and Arts (Artistic Research)

Recent Publications (Selection)

For a comprehensive overview of publications and citations of David F. J. Campbell, see Google Scholar (Link). Selective publications of David Campbell are:

  • Campbell, David F. J. (2019). Global Quality of Democracy as Innovation Enabler. Measuring Democracy for Success. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-72529-1).
  • Bast, Gerald / Elias G. Carayannis / David F. J. Campbell (eds.) (2019). The Future of Education and Labor. New York, NY: Springer (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030260675).
  • Bast, Gerald / Elias G. Carayannis / David F. J. Campbell (eds.) (2015). Arts, Research, Innovation and Society. New York, NY: Springer (Link).
  • Carayannis, Elias G. / David F. J. Campbell (2014). Developed Democracies versus Emerging Autocracies: Arts, Democracy, and Innovation in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3:12 (Link).
  • Carayannis, Elias G. / David F. J. Campbell / Marios Panagiotis Efthymiopoulos (eds.) (2014). Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy and Cyber-Defense. Challenges, Opportunities and Implications for Theory, Policy and Practice. New York, NY: Springer (Link).
  • Campbell, David F. J. / Elias G. Carayannis (2013). Epistemic Governance in Higher Education. Quality Enhancement of Universities for Development. New York, NY: Springer (Link).
  • Campbell, David F. J. (2012). Die österreichische Demokratiequalität in Perspektive [The Quality of Democracy in Austria in Perspective], 293-315, in: Ludger Helms / David M. Wineroither (eds.): Die österreichische Demokratie im Vergleich [Austrian Democracy in Comparison]. Baden-Baden: Nomos (Link).
  • Campbell, David F. J. / Thorsten D. Barth (2009). Wie können Demokratie und Demokratiequalität gemessen werden? Modelle, Demokratie-Indices und Länderbeispiele im globalen Vergleich. [How Can Democracy and the Quality of Democracy be Measured? Models, Democracy Indices and Country-Based Case Studies in Global Comparison]. SWS-Rundschau 49 (2), 208-233 (Link).
  • Campbell, David F. J. (2007). Wie links oder wie rechts sind Österreichs Länder? Eine komparative Langzeitanalyse des parlamentarischen Mehrebenensystems Österreichs (1945 – 2007). [How Left or How Right Are the Austrian Provinces? A Comparative Long-Term Analysis of the Parliamentary Multi-Level System of Austria (1945 – 2007)]. SWS-Rundschau 47 (4), 381-404 (Link).
  • Campbell, David F. J. / Christian Schaller (eds.) (2002). Demokratiequalität in Österreich. Zustand und Entwicklungsperspektiven. [Democracy Quality in Austria. Status and Scenarios]. Opladen: Leske + Budrich (Link).
