Book presentation: Sozial-ökologische Transformationen

When: Tuesday, 24. October 2017, 20:00. Where: Konferenzraum IPW, Room A 0222, Department of Political Science, NIG, Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor, 1010 Vienna. Book presentation and discussion as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.

Invitation to the IPW Lecture Book presentation: Sozial-ökologische Transformationen.

Lecturers and discussants: Aaron Tauss (Editor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín), Martin Birkner ( & Ulrich Brand (Department of Political Science, University Vienna)
Moderation: Alina Brad (Department of Political Science, University Vienna)

When: Tuesday, 24. October 2017, 20:00 
Where: Konferenzraum IPW, Room A 0222, Department of Political Science, NIG, Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor, 1010 Vienna 

Presentation in German. Participation in this event series is free of charge.
Book presentation and discussion as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.

Further information