Invitation to the IPW Lecture “Making Sense of Homelessness and Homemaking Practices in the Context of Conflict-Induced Displacement: The Example of Sur District in Diyarbakir, Turkey”
Lecturer: Iclal Ayse Kücükkirca (Humboldt Universität Berlin & IPW University of Vienna)
Moderation: Ayse Dursun (IPW University of Vienna)
When: Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 18:00 CET
Where: online (access link see below)
The presentation is on the research results of the work titled as “Thinking Sur Through the Home Space”. It will be composed of two parts: 1. Based on the interviews with the relevant NGO and chamber representatives, it will focus on the spatial transformation of the Sur district in Diyarbakir as a home place. 2. Based on the narratives of the internally displaced people (IDP) in Sur the second part of the presentation will focus on the conflicts of homelessness and homemaking practices of the IDP who have forcedly left their homes after the armed conflicts that had taken place between the YPS (Yekineyen Parastina Sivil - Civil Defense Units) and Turkish security forces between the years 2015 and 2016 in the Sur district of the city Diyarbakir, Turkey by particularly focusing on female IDP's conflicts and empowerment mechanisms between the years 2016-2020.
Zoom Access Link
Please join the lecture directly via this Zoom link (Meeting-ID: 694 5517 9957, Kenncode: 975169).