Neues ÖAW DOC-Team "Lateinamerika"

Mit dem Förderprogramm DOC-team fördert die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Gruppen von Doktorand/inn/en (3-4 Personen) aus den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, die sich gemeinsam einem nur fächerübergreifend zu lösenden Problem stellen.



Projektitel: The Socio-Ecological Crisis Up Close: Conflicts, Experiences and Alternatives in the Andean-Amazon Region

Projektstart: 1. Oktober 2020


Valerie Lenikus – Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien (Betreuung: Ulrich Brand)
Tamara Artacker – Institut für Soziale Ökologie, BOKU (Betreuung: Christoph Görg)
Marie Jasser – Institut für Internationale Entwicklung, Universität Wien (Betreuung: Antje Daniel)
Marcela Torres – Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien (Betreuung: Patricia Zuckerhut)

Über das Projekt:

The world has to cope with severe effects of climate change such as extreme weather phenomena, increasing scarcity of crucial raw materials, and biodiversity loss in the context of a global socio-ecological crisis. In the Andean-Amazon region in Latin America, the crisis has already manifested in the chronic destruction of people’s livelihoods and political struggles in the form of protests. Therefore, socio-ecological conflicts emerge around access to, control over and recognition as well as destruction of resources. The add-on “socio” is crucial as these conflicts are inseparably related to political, economic, and cultural issues involving race, class, gender, poverty, and nation. Regardless, possible coping mechanisms with the crisis on the base of diverse cosmovisions and local knowledge are debated in this region, most famously the concept of buen vivir. Hence, the Andean-Amazon region is especially intrusive when it comes to gaining insights into the socio-ecological crisis and how it is dealt with. With an interdisciplinary approach this project investigates structural dimensions of the socio-ecological crisis and the role of specific actors in Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador by focusing on struggles concerning land and resource (over-)use.


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