Past lectures from the international lecture series IPW Lectures by the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.

IPW Lectures

When: Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 17:00. Where: online. Lecturer: Heidi Maurer (University of Vienna / University of Bristol). Moderation: Ivan Josipovic...

IPW Lectures

Marietta Le (Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Budapest on Citizen Participation) held her IPW Lecture on 27 April 2021. Moderation by Tobias Spöri.

IPW Lectures

Teresa Kulawik (Södertörn University) held her IPW Lecture on 14 April 2021. Moderation by Birgit Sauer.

IPW Lectures

When: Monday, 31 May 2021, 17:00. Where: online. Lecturers: Chiara Loschi (University of Bologna) and Peter Slominski (EIF). Moderation: Gerda Falkner...

IPW Lectures

Julius Lagodny (Cornell University) held his IPW Lecture on 5 May 2021. Moderation by Leila Hadj-Abdou.

IPW Lectures

When: Wednesday, 5 May 2021, 17:00. Where: online. Lecturer: Julius Lagodny (Cornell University). Moderation: Leila Hadj Abdou (IPW)

IPW Lectures

David Seamark & Clare Seamark held their IPW Lecture on 20 April 2021. Moderation by Wanda Spahl.

IPW Lectures

Theresa Williamson (Catalytic Communities, Rio de Janeiro) held her IPW Lecture on 20 April 2021. Moderation by Josefa Stiegler.

IPW Lectures

When: Tuesday, 27 April 2021, 18:00. Where: online. Lecturer: Marietta Le (Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Budapest on Citizen Participation)....