News Archive

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 22. November 2018, 18:30. Where: Konferenzraum, Department of Political Science, NIG, 2nd floor, wing A, Universitätsstr. 7, 1010...

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

The University of Vienna seeks to fill the position from 01.03.2019 of a University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of Political Science to...

IPW Lectures

When: Monday, 19. November 2018, 13:15. Where: Konferenzraum, Department of Political Science, NIG, 2nd floor, wing A, Universitätsstr. 7/2, 1010...

IPW Lectures

When: Tuesday, 13. November 2018, 18:30. Where: Hörsaal 21, main building of the University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna. Presentation...

When: Monday, 10.12.2018, 18:00 - 20:00. Where: C3 - Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna. With Mary Kaldor, Professor...

Tagungen | Congresses

When: 6-7 December 2018. Where: EURO PLAZA Conference Center, Am Euro Platz 2, Building G, 1120 Vienna. Roundtable discussion: Global Governance of...

Vienna Lecture on the European Union. When: Tuesday, 30. October 2018, 5 pm. Where: Aula, Campus of the University of Vienna, Hof 1.11, Spitalgasse...

Tagungen | Congresses

Launch event of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity (CeSCoS). When: Thu., 15 November 2018 | 9.30-8pm. Where: Saal der Labstelle |...

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

At the Faculty of Social Sciences (Department of Political Science) of the University of Vienna the position of a Research Administrator within the...