News Archive

Veranstaltungen | Events

On 7 November 2024 (10:00) Barbara Prainsack is one of the speakers at the live online event organised by the Digital Health Week. Connor Hogan...

Veranstaltungen | Events

On 4 November 2024 (18:30) the author Ramy Youssef will present his book “Die Anerkennung von Grenzen: A Sociology of Diplomacy”.


Neuigkeiten | News

We would like to congratulate Fabio Wolkenstein (Head of Department) and Alice Vadrot (Co-Head of Department) on taking over the management of the...

IPW Lectures

The Department of Political Science (IPW) regularly hosts guest lectures as part of the IPW Lectures, a long-standing international lecture series of...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack and co-author Ilona Kickbusch have published the Data Solidarity Glossary, which was officially launched this week at the European...

Publikationen | Publications

In addition to the Data Solidarity Glossary, Barbara Prainsack and co-author Ilona Kickbusch have published an article on the public value of data use...

Publikationen | Publications

Alina Brad, Etienne Schneider, Danyal Maneka, Carolin Hirt and Simone Gingrich published a new article in Energy Research & Social Science. Abstract:...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack togehter with Anniek de Ruijtera and Tamara Herveyb published a new article in The Lancet Regional Health. Abstract: Trust and...

Neuigkeiten | News

Silvia Ruiz-Rodriguez, SoWi Docs research fellow and affiliated researcher in TwinPolitics, has been elected as one of the speakers of the section of...