News Archive

Publikationen | Publications

Isabella M. Radhuber, Nicolai Gessl, Gertrude Saxinger, Wanda Spahl and others have published a new article in the Global Publich Health Journal.

Forschungsprojekte | Research Projects

Political scientist Alice Vadrot receives an ERC Consolidator Grant at the University of Vienna with her research project TwinPolitics, which is...

Neuigkeiten | News

The data solidarity team based at the University of Vienna has created a new online tool. The Public VaLUe Assessment TOol (PLUTO) can be used by...

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft sucht ein*e neu*e Geschäftsführende*r Generalsekretär*in. Die Anstellung erfolgt im Rahmen...

Stellungnahme | Statement

On October 7, 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas carried out an attack on southern Israel. The undersigned employees of the IPW strongly condemn...


Ivan Josipovic is part of the COST Action "Data Matters" Management Committee


The ViDSS is hosting the Vienna International Graduate Conference on Social Science (ViCSS) Deadline for proposals: 30 October 2023.


Veranstaltungen | Events

Speaker: Silvia Camporesi (Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity, Department of Political Science, University...

Publikationen | Publications

Visnja Vukov has published an article in the journal New Political Economy. Abstract: This paper analyses the political origins of diverse peripheral...