News Archive

IPW Lectures

When: Wednesday, 21. March 2018, 15:00. Where: Hörsaal 1 IPW (A 0212), NIG second floor, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna....

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 15. March 2018, 13:15. Where: Hörsaal I, NIG ground floor, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Guest lecture by...

When: Wednesday, 17 January 2018, 4.15-5.45 pm. Where: Seminar room, IE, Department of African Studies Uni Campus Courtyard 5, Spitalgasse 2, 1090...

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

The University of Vienna seeks to fill the position from 01.03.2018 of a Lector (teaching position in the areas of 'International Politics and...

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 11. January 2018, 18:30. Where: Aula, Campus of the University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna. Guest lecture by Zeynep Kaşlı...

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

Call for applications. Applications Deadline: 31 January 2018. The Application Form for the 2018-2019 academic year (starting 1 September 2018) is...

When: Wednesday, 13. December 2017, 11:30. Where: Hörsaal 2 IPW (A 0218), NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 2nd floor, 1010 Vienna. Guest lecture by Rosalie...

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 14. December 2017, 18:00. Where: Aula, Campus of the University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna. Guest lecture by Bülent Küçük...

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 14. December 2017, 17:00. Where: Konferenzraum IPW (A 0222), NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 2nd Floor, 1010 Vienna. Guest lecture by...