Current News

Publikationen | Publications

New Blogpost by Paul Dunshirn, university assistant predoctoral at the research plattform DIGIGOV and the ERC project MARIPOLDATA.

Publikationen | Publications

Peter Slominski, Patrick Müller and Wolfgang Sagmeister have published a new article in JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies.

Forschungsprojekte | Research Projects

Political scientist Alice Vadrot receives an ERC Consolidator Grant at the University of Vienna with her research project TwinPolitics, which is...

Publikationen | Publications

The Blog of Oxford University Press has published an article by Magnus Schoeller and Olof Karlsson (EIF).

Publikationen | Publications

Timo Seidl has published an article together with Oliver Nachtwey in Theory, Culture & Society.

Stellungnahme | Statement

On October 7, 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas carried out an attack on southern Israel. The undersigned employees of the IPW strongly condemn...

Publikationen | Publications

Timo Seidl has published a new article with Luuk Schmitz in Frontiers in a Special Issue fpr the Journal of European Public Policy.

Neuigkeiten | News

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