Latest Videos & Podcasts
Book presentation: Ulrich Brand presenta Crisis del modo de vida imperial y transiciones ecosociales. Con Marcos Castro
On 20 February 2025, Ulrich Brand presented his book "Crisis del modo de vida imperial y transiciones ecosociales" (Crisis of the Imperial Mode of Living and Ecosocial Transitions, Madrid 2023) in Málaga.
Election night: Nyert Merz, duplázott az AfD | Német választási eredményváró
On the occasion of the election to the 21st German Bundestag on 23 February 2025, Eszter Kováts appeared as a guest on the election evening broadcast of the Hungarian YouTube channel 'Partizán' (English title: Merz wins, AfD doubles up | German election results expected).
Podcast: Could Utopian thinking save democracy?
On ABC Australia's 'Future Tense' podcast, Barbara Prainsack, William Paris and Anna Abraham discussed why utopian thinking gets such a bad rap and its potential for our imagining of the future.
Listen to the conversation
Inaugural Lecture: The New Ethic of Patriarchy
In her inaugural lecture as Professor of Politics and Gender on 4 December 2024, Dorit Geva explored the resurgence of patriarchal politics in the Global North, particularly in Europe and the United States, and its connection to the legacy of neoliberalism.
Keynote talk: Personalised and precision medicine in the digital era
This talk by Barbara Prainsack was recorded at St Anne's College, Oxford at the event 'Auditing Accountability in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence with applications in Personalised Medicine', on 12 November 2024. This event explored key principles, core challenges, and best practices for the reliable evaluation and deployment of AI systems in real-world scenarios.
Podcast: Anniek de Ruijter and Barbara Prainsack on solidarity in health governance and health policy in the EU
In a podcast interview on 5 December Barbara Prainsack and Anniek de Ruijter speak to the Lancet Regional Health on solidarity and trust in health governance in the EU.
Interview zum Nachhören
AI and Security: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Barbara Prainsack und Jörg Heidrich hielten Keynote Vorträge im Rahmen der Konferenz „AI and Security" am 18.11.2024.
Democracy at work – the European Health Data Space from concept to reality
Barbara Prainsack was a speaker on the panel “Democracy at work" at the European Health Forum Gastein on 27 October 2024. Abstract: The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is a landmark piece of legislation that aims to enhance citizens´ primary use of data while promoting the ability to reuse data for the benefit of society as a whole. In order to ensure data privacy and bolster cybersecurity, this legislation has created a set of guidelines, infrastructure, and governance mechanisms to facilitate the usage of electronic health data. Its effectiveness will depend on a number of factors, including social trust, digital proficiency, and connectivity throughout the EU, in addition to the ability of Member States to effectively implement the legal basis of the legislation. This plenary will recap achievements to date and discuss successes and challenges with regard to implementation of the EHDS in different Member States and from the perspective of different stakeholder groups.
Nyert az osztrák szélsőjobb, de kormányra kerülése nem biztos
On 29 September 2024, Eszter Kováts was a guest on the election night programme of the most important online broadcaster in Hungary - Partizán. Abstract: Ausztria második világháború utáni történetében először futott be első helyre a választásokon a szélsőjobboldali Szabadságpárt (FPÖ), de ez sem garancia arra, hogy ők adhatják a kancellárt. A Partizánnál élőben követtük végig az urnazárást és az eredményeket, elemeztük a kampányt és a lehetséges koalíciós forgatókönyveket.
Strengthening democracy in Europe: What can be done?
Webinar on 24 September 2024 with Barbara Prainsack (University of Vienna & European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies), Nils-Eric Sahlin (Lund University & European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies), Cathrine Holst (University of Oslo), and Mario Scharfbillig (Joint Research Centre, European Commission) on strengthening democracy in Europe. The webinar was organised by the Cardiff Knowledge Hub of Academia Europaea.
Webinar: Ethics and integrity for AI in research
Barbara Prainsack was a speaker at a webinar on 10 September 2024 organised by the Scientific Advice Mechanism in cooperation with All European Academics (AllEA) and Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). This webinar brings together leading European experts to examine the promises and challenges of AI for research and communication. Together we look for new pathways forward to advance an ethical and innovative future for research and education in Europe.
Older Videos
Titel | Event | With | Date | Video |
Digital democracy: How can we navigate the evolving landscape of digital democracy to enhance citizen participation, address challenges in the digitalization of democratic processes? | Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA), European Parliament | Barbara Prainsack | 24.01.2024 | Link |
Panel discussion on science advice in a crisis | EU Science & Innovation | Barbara Prainsack, Tina Comes, Maarja Kruusmaa, Daniela di Bucci | 14.11.2023 | Link |
Data solidarity: Launch of Public VaLUe Assessment TOol (PLUTO) | DTH-Lab event at the World Health Summit 2023 | Barbara Prainsack, Seliem El-Sayed, Connor Hogan | 16.10.2023 | Link |
Seminar on “Moral Frameworks for Collective Action in Epidemics” | The Global Health Network | Barbara Prainsack, Diane le Corvec, Rachel James, Anant Bhan, Diego Silva | 25.05.2023 | Link |
Kapitalismus am Ende? Und was dann? | Ulrich Brand, Ulrike Herrmann, Renate Börger (Moderation) | 28.04.2023 | Link | |
What Kind of Social-Ecological Transformations? | Potsdamer Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) | Ulrich Brand | 24.04.2023 | Link |
E-Rezept, Gesundheitskarte und Onlinehandel: Wo stehen wir und wo wollen wir hin? | Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna | Barbara Prainsack, Meinhild Hausreither, Jürgen Holzinger, Ruth Ladenstein, Siegfried Mery, Herwig Ostermann, Charlotte Van Velthoven, Johannes Zahrl, Nikolaus Forgó (moderation) | 28.03.2023 | Link |
EU Digital Policy and Democracy | Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices, University of Vienna | Lukas Schlögl, Gerda Falkner | 23.02.2023 | Link |
Anhörung des Gesundheitsausschusses im Deutschen Bundestag zum Thema 'Corona Impfungen' | Deutscher Bundestag | Katharina Kieslich | 12.10.2022 | Link |
Presentación de "Modo de vida imperial. Vida cotidiana y crisis ecológica del capitalismo" | Ulrich Brand | 12.08.2022 | Link | |
Gegen den permanenten Wachstumszwang | Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Wien | Ulrich Brand | 23.05.2022 | Link |
Postwachstums-Ökonomien | Public Climate School | Ulrich Brand | 17.05.2022 | Link |
Gesundheit, Pandemie und Flucht | Ars Boni 288 | Ivan Josipovic, Wanda Spahl, Nikolaus Forgó | 13.05.2022 | Link |
Erhalt von Biodiversität - Eine Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Politik | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) | Alice Vadrot | 02.05.2022 | Link deutsch Link englisch |
The micro-foundations of authoritarian rule: neoliberal transformation, workfare and clientelism in rural Hungary | Online & on-site IPW Lecture | Kristóf Szombati, Dorothee Bohle (moderation) | 17.03.2022 | Link |
Putin´s War in Ukraine: A Roundtable Discussion | Special online IPW Lecture | Dorothee Bohle & Tobias Spöri (moderation) | 11.03.2022 | Link |
MiCREATE: Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe | IPW | Stella Wolter, Mira Liepold, Birgit Sauer, Rosa Tatzber | 11.02.2022 | Link |
In AI we trust | Bruno Kreisky Forum für internationalen Dialog | Helga Nowotny, Barbara Prainsack | 20.01.2022 | Link |
Discourses on the ‘Future of Work’: Three Empirical Studies | Online IPW Lecture | Lukas Schlögl, Timo Seidl, Paul Dunshirn, Barbara Prainsack (moderation) | 19.01.2022 | Link |
Rethinking Migration Research, Teaching and Practice (Round Table) | IPW | Tendayi Achiume, Ipek Demir & Aurora Vergara Figueroa, Leila Hadj Abdou & Kudakwashe Vanyoro (moderation) | 07.12.2021 | Link |
Alles anders?! Wirtschaft neu denken | Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie e.V. | Ulrich Brand, Katharina Reuter, Sven Giegold | 02.12.2021 | Link |
Covid 19, Arbeit und sozialökologische Transformation | Wiener Volkshochschulen | Ulrich Brand, Stefanie Hürtgen, Stefan Novy (Moderation) | 30.11.2021 | Link |
Sortiermaschinen. Die Neuerfindung der Grenze im 21. Jahrhundert | Online IPW Lecture | Steffen Mau, Ivan Josipovic (Moderation) | 25.11.2021 | Link |
Politik, wie hast du’s mit der Wissenschaft? | Paneldebatte, Rudolf-Augstein-Stiftung | Barbara Prainsack, Alexander Bogner, Michael Müller, Viola Priesemann, Jakob Augstein (Moderation) | 12.11.2021 | Link |
For-profit companies don't care about patients' wellbeing: Data and sharing in Germany | WCSethics | Barbara Prainsack, Torsten Voigt | 11.11.2021 | Link |
Where does Europe end? On the return of the language of “Christian Europe” | Online IPW Lecture | Fabio Wolkenstein, Oliver Marchart (moderation) | 03.11.2021 | Link |
Digitize! Computational Social Sciences in the digital and social Transformation | Ars aequi Series | Seliem El-Sayed, Filip Paspalj | 08.10.2021 | Link |
The Pandemic Within: Policy Making for a Better World | Bristol University Press | Barbara Prainsack, Hendrik Wagenaar | 07.10.2021 | Link |
Imperiale Lebensweise als Ursache der Klimakrise: Analyse und Alternativen | Wissenschaft fürs Wohnzimmer | Ulrich Brand | 09.09.2021 | Link |
Zurück in die Steinzeit versus sozial-ökologische Transformation? | Podcast der Zeitschrift "International" | Ulrich Brand | 28.08.2021 | Link |
Corona und die Wissenschaften | ÖAW Symposium | Barbara Prainsack | 07.07.2021 | Link |
Sind Anreize zur Impfung moralisch vertretbar? | DW Nachrichten | Barbara Prainsack | 12.06.2021 | Link |
Conceptualizing the relation between right-wing populism and gender: an opportunistic synergy and the logic of elite change | Online IPW Lecture | Elżbieta Korolczuk, Ayse Dursun (moderation) | 09.06.2021 | Link |
Increasingly illiberal and populist politics in Europe: (How) does it matter for European foreign policy cooperation? | Online IPW Lecture | Heidi Maurer, Ivan Josipovic (moderation) | 02.06.2021 | Link |
The role and accountability of EU agencies in managing the EU’s ‘refugee crisis’ | Vienna Lecture on the European Union | Chiara Loschi, Peter Slominski, Gerda Falkner (Moderation) | 31.05.2021 | Link |
Evidence-based Policy Making | Panel discussion organized by CEU, WIFO, IHS | Barbara Prainsack, Martin Kocher, Thomas Starlinger, Tobias Thomas, Christine Zulehner, Thomas König (Moderation) | 27.05.2021 | Link |
Imperiale Lebensweise / Modo de vida imperial | Ulrich Brand | 22.05.2021 | Link | |
Ist Populismus ansteckend? Zur Normalisierung rechtspopulistischer Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten | Online IPW Lecture | Daniel Thiele, Ruth Wodak, Otto Penz (Moderation), Birgit Sauer (Einleitung) | 17.05.2021 | Link |
The Impact of Racist Political Campaigning on Minorities and Migrants: Evidence from the USA and Canada | Online IPW Lecture | Julius Lagodny, Leila Hadj-Abdou (moderation) | 05.05.2021 | Link |
Let's Talk@Lunch: Hat der Sozialstaat ein Ablaufdatum? | Neos Lab | Barbara Prainsack, Lukas Sustala | 28.04.2021 | Link |
Die EU vor der Gefahr eines Blackouts? | Vienna Lecture on the European Union | Herbert Saurugg, Torbjørg Jevnaker, Gerda Falkner (Moderation) | 27.04.2021 | Link |
Budapest's Vision of Citizen Engagement | Online IPW Lecture | Marietta Le, Tobias Spöri (moderation) | 27.04.2021 | Link |
Implementing a national vaccination programme in a pandemic: Experiences from the UK | Online IPW Lecture | Clare Seamark, David Seamark, Wanda Spahl (moderation) | 20.04.2021 | Link |
Rio de Janeiro: Mega-Events and Rapid Urban Change in the 'Divided City' | Online IPW Lecture | Theresa Williamson, Josefa Stiegler (moderation) | 20.04.2021 | Link |
Rebordering Europe: Theorizing the Second Other in Gender Studies | Online IPW Lecture | Teresa Kulawik, Birgit Sauer (moderation) | 14.04.2021 | Link |
Presenting… early stage researchers: Wanda Spahl on the Health Needs of Refugees | uni:view Rubrik | Wanda Spahl | 06.04.2021 | Link |
A leopard can't change its spots: How and why early life experiences affect our attitudes to migration? | Online IPW Lecture | Lenka Dražanov, Leila Hadj-Abdou (moderation) | 24.03.2021 | Link |
Wie sicher sind die Corona-Impfungen? | Der Standard Videotalk | Katharina T. Paul, Norbert Nowotny, Renate Kain, Ernest Pichlbauer, András Szigetvari (Moderation) | 17.03.2021 | Link |
What does ‘transformation(s) to sustainability’ mean today? (Roundtable) | International Science Council | Ulrich Brand, Cheikh Mbow, Karen O’Brien, Susanne Moser (moderation) | 04.03.2021 | Link |
Bedingungsloses Wachstum und autoritäre Ökonomie – Wirtschaften wir uns in den Ruin? | Haus am Dom | Ulrich Brand | 03.02.2021 | Link |
The Pandemic Within | Podcast Ars Boni | Barbara Prainsack, Hendrik Wagenaar, Nikolaus Forgó | 28.01.2021 | Link |
The BIG campaign in Namibia - a basic income for everyone? | Projekt SADOCC | Lukas Schlögl | 21.01.2021 | Link |
Beyond Neoliberalism? Financialisation, Middle-Class Pronatalism, and Hungary's New Regime of Social Reproduction | Online IPW Lecture | Dorit Geva, Ayse Dursun (moderation) | 18.01.2021 | Link |
Das Individuum in der Öffentlichkeit. Vom selbstbestimmten Umgang mit den digitalen Medien | Online IPW Lecture | Stefan A. Marx, Meropi Tzanetakis (Moderation) | 07.12.2020 | Link |
Connecting degrowth to the Russian/Soviet context | Online IPW Lecture | Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Christina Plank (moderation) | 03.12.2020 | Link |
Ackern unter Hochspannungsleitungen und neben Ölschieferwerken in Estland | Online IPW Lecture | Lilian Pungas, Christina Plank (Moderation) | 26.11.2020 | Link |
Arbeitsplätze versus Klimaschutz? Krisenpolitik und die Rolle der Gewerkschaften (Online Podiumsdiskussion) | IPW | Leonore Gewessler, Karl Dürtscher, Melanie Pichler, Luise Bacher, Ulrich Brand (Moderation) | 26.11.2020 | Link |
Populism, neoliberalism and sustainable alternatives in rural Europe | Online IPW Lecture | Natalia Mamonova, Christina Plank (moderation) | 19.11.2020 | Link |
Vom Wert des Menschen. Auswege aus der Krise | Café Brandstätter | Barbara Prainsack, Barbara Blaha, Franz Schellhorn, Barbara Tóth (Moderation) | 18.11.2020 | Link |
The Economic Sociology of Illicit Drug Markets | Online IPW Lecture | Kim Moeller, Meropi Tzanetakis (moderation) | 13.11.2020 | Link |
COVID-19 Politik & Wissenschaft (International) | International | Barbara Prainsack | 10.11.2020 | Link |
Umweltkrise: Unser kranker Alltag in Corona-Zeiten | Peter Kreisky Europa-Gespräche | Ulrich Brand, Eva Brenner, Walter Baier | 27.10.2020 | Link |
Menschlichkeit versus Technologie in der Medizin | Diskurs Berggasse 19 | Barbara Prainsack, Jeanne Wolff Bernstein, Thomas Druyen, August Ruhs, Eva Komarek (Moderation) | 14.10.2020 | Link |
Risk analysis as political. How gender and race matter in the constitution of crisis in EU border management | ACES | Saskia Stachowitsch, Rocco Bellanova (moderation) | 27.09.2020 | Link |
Women in Peace & Security | Roundtable, King's College London | Saskia Stachowitsch, Soumita Basu, Jamie J. Hagen, Aiko Holvikivi, Cynthia Petrigh, Swarna Rajagopalan, Amanda Chisholm & Andrea Ellener (moderation) | 23.09.2020 | Link |
Der Einschnitt | Am Schauplatz, ORF | Ulrich Brand (ab Minute 16:58) | 22.08.2020 | Link |
Rudolf Anschober über die Risiken einer zweiten Welle | Falter | Barbara Prainsack, Rudolf Anschober, Melisa Erkut, Eva Linsinger | 24.07.2020 | Link |
Corona: Ein Blick aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht | Ars Boni Episode 32 | Barbara Prainsack, Nikolaus Forgó, Sylvia Kritzinger | 15.06.2020 | Link |
Rethinking Work in the Post-Corona World (Online-Vortrag und Diskussion) | Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit | Barbara Prainsack, Hendrik Wagenaar, Frank Welz (moderation) | 05.06.2020 | Link |
The Need for Degrowth – Time to Think about Strategies | Opening Panel, Degrowth Vienna 2020 | Ulrich Brand, Isaac ‘Asume’ Osuoka, Susan Paulson, Brototi Roy | 29.05.2020 | Link |
Mut schaffen in der Krise | Volkshilfe Österreich | Barbara Prainsack, Erich Fenninger | 26.05.2020 | Link |
Corona-Krise und Klima-Krise: Die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf den Klimawandel | | Ulrich Brand, Anna Lindorfer, Thomas Hackl | 20.05.2020 | Link |
"And the Walls Remain the Same?“ Local conflict in Northern Ireland in light of Brexit, the Irish border issue and disruptive power sharing | IPW lecture | Bert Preiss, Neil Jarman, Anna Preiser (moderation) | 20.05.2020 | Link |
Gesellschaft im Umbruch: Was macht die Pandemie mit uns? | Wiener Vorlesungen | Barbara Prainsack | 23.04.2020 | Link |
Imperiale Lebensweise | Webinar, Fridays For Future | Ulrich Brand | 22.04.2020 | Link |
MutmacherInnen im Gespräch | Café Brandstätter | Barbara Prainsack, Doris Knecht, Haya Molcho, Markus Braun, Franz Welser-Möst | 30.03.2020 | Link |
Precision Medicine: Healthcare revolution? | Roundtable, TRT Worlds | Barbara Prainsack, Joyce Harper, Catherine Joynson, Patrick Short, David Foster (moderation) | 21.11.2019 | Link |
Schutz der marinen Biodiversität | Universität Wien | Alice Vadrot | 29.10.2019 | Link |
Finanzierung nachhaltiger Projekte | OeKB Business Breakfast 2019 | Ulrich Brand | 14.10.2019 | Link |
Why do SDGs fail (so far)? - The Imperial Mode of Living as Major Obstacle for Adequate Climate Politics | lecture series, Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Ulrich Brand | 09.10.2019 | Link |
Auf der Suche nach einem tragbaren Lebensstil | Hannoveraner Initiative | Ulrich Brand, Bertina Murkovic, Tobi Rosswog, Uwe Brakhahn, Flora Marx, Michael Nagel | 30.09.2019 | Link |
Krise und Globalisierung | Georgian Public Broadcaster | Ulrich Brand | 14.08.2018 | Link |