Aktuelle Meldungen


Die 52. Ausgabe der Institutszeitschrift Politix ist ab sofort erhältlich! Druckexemplare der neuen Ausgabe sind ab sofort am Institut kostenlos...

Ausschreibungen | Announcements

TwinPolitics is an ERC-funded five-year research project led by Assoc-. Prof. Dr. Alice Vadrot. ​Application deadline: 24 July 2024. Job vacancy...

Forschungsprojekte | Research Projects

The new ERC Project TwinPolitics led by Assoc. Prof. Alice Vadrot was launched on the 1st of July 2024. TwinPolitics is an ERC-funded five-year...

Publikationen | Publications

Arne Langlet and Alice Vadrot published a new MARIPOLDATA article in Global Environmental Politics. Abstract: The negotiations for a new instrument...

Publikationen | Publications

Ina Tessnow-von Wysocki and Alice Vadrot published a new MARIPOLDATA Research article in Springer. Abstract: A new legally binding agreement for the...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack und Magdalena Eitenberger co-authored the report as part of the "AGIDE-Global Innovation and Digital Ethics" project of the Austrian...

Publikationen | Publications

Magdalena Eitenberger (CeSCoS) published a new article in the Journal Digital Health. Telemedical applications are solutions to challenges in the...

Publikationen | Publications

Henning Deters (EIF) published a new article in the Journal Politics and Governance. Populist governments engage in “unpolitics” when the electoral...

Publikationen | Publications

New d|part report published by Neele Eilers, Tobias Spöri und Jan Eichhorn. d|part conducted a comprehensive research project, surveying eight EU...

Veranstaltungen | Events

Barbara Prainsack will speak as a panellist at a Academia Europaea webinar on 24 September 2024. What are the main challenges facing democracy in...

Veranstaltungen | Events

On 27 September (12:15), Barbara Prainsack will speak at the European Health Forum. The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is a landmark piece of...

Auszeichnungen | Awards

The Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW) supports young researchers with small grants to carry out research considered as disruptive innovation. Timo...