When: Wednesday, 19 January 2022, 17:00 (CET)
Where: online (access link see below)
Panelists: Lukas Schlögl (CeSCoS), Timo Seidl (EIF) & Paul Dunshirn (DigiGov)
Chair: Barbara Prainsack (CeSCoS)
*** in cooperation with the Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices (DigiGov) ***
Discourses on the “Future of Work” attract significant attention in the policy community and beyond. Who will pursue what kind of work in the future? What role will new technologies play in the workplace? Who will need to adapt their skills to a changing work environment? And what role should governments, businesses and trade unions play in the transformation of work? Discourses that address such questions and provide respective policy advice implicitly (re-)negotiate the value of work, norms about distribution and fairness, and the social order. This IPW lecture presents findings from three recent studies that analyse public discourse on the Future of Work, the actors involved in producing it, and the values underpinning it.
Access Link:
please join the discussion via this Zoom link: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/93962935429?pwd=U2wzTllsMUhoVGVsZWF3MU1KRGxGQT09