Online IPW Lecture: Kim Moeller - The Economic Sociology of Illicit Drug Markets

Wann: Freitag, 06.11.2020, 15 Uhr. Wo: Online. Vortrag von Kim Moeller (Malmö University).


Einladung zur Online IPW Lecture The Economic Sociology of Illicit Drug Markets

Lecturer: Kim Moeller (Malmö University)
Moderation: Meropi Tzanetakis (IPW | Universität Wien)

Wann: Freitag, 6. November 2020, 15:00 Uhr
Wo: Online -
Meeting ID: 991 0123 9196
Passcode: EC6eYd


lllicit drug distribution has been analyzed since at least the late 1960s but only little research has examined the “market” aspects, the exchange of drugs for money under competition. While economists have formally modelled drug markets as an abstract whole, criminologists have mainly researched individual street-level marketplaces. There is currently no criminological theory of illicit drug markets. This lecture examines drug markets through the perspectives of institutional- and network-oriented economic sociology. Some of the key questions concern how credits are possible without the market devolving into violence, and why is there so much variation in prices across countries and distribution layers. Economic sociology extends insights from behavioral economics with more emphasis on trust, social relations, embeddedness. This perspective can connect macro and micro levels of analysis and integrate the economic and criminological research in a coherent framework.

Kim Moeller is associate professor at the Department of Criminology, Malmö University, Sweden. His research interests concern illicit drug markets, including the higher-level distribution by organised crime groups, street-level markets, and national control policies. Recently his work has focused on online sales on cryptomarkets and social media, with a particular focus on fentanyl analogs. He has published in the journals Criminology, Journal of Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, and International Journal of Drug Policy.

Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der IPW Lectures, einer internationalen Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien, in Kooperation mit FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfonds.