Online & on-site IPW Lecture: Kristóf Szombati - The micro-foundations of authoritarian rule: neoliberal transformation, workfare and clientelism in rural Hungary

Kristóf Szombati (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) held an IPW Lecture on 17 March 2022. Moderation by Dorothee Bohle (IPW).

Special online IPW Lecture - Putin´s War in Ukraine: A Roundtable Discussion

This Special IPW Lecture took place on Friday, 11 March 2022 online via Zoom.

Participants: Julia Baumann (Geschwister Scholl Institute for Political Science, LMU Munich), Edgars Eihmanis (Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies at University of Wrocław and Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at University of Tartu), Anna Lazareva (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna), Anatoly Reshetnikov (Webster Vienna Private University), Yuliya Yurchenko (International Business and Economics Department & and Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability Institute, University of Greenwich) and Tatiana Zhurzhenko (ZOIS - Center for East European and International Studies, Berlin)

Moderators: Dorothee Bohle & Tobias Spöri (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna)

Abstract: As the brutal invasion of Ukraine is going into its third week, the Department of Political Science convenes a roundtable of experts on Ukrainian, Russian and Baltic politics to discuss origins of the war and the current situation in Ukraine, the reaction within Russia, and the fall-out in the Baltic States. We will be covering humanitarian aspects of the war; national class dimension, tensions and competition since Ukraine’s independence; disinformation and propaganda, the chances of elite defection and popular resistance in Russia, tensions and fears in the Baltic States, and possible ways out.

Online IPW Lecture: Discourses on the ‘Future of Work’: Three Empirical Studies

Lukas Schlögl (CeSCoS), Timo Seidl (EIF) & Paul Dunshirn (DigiGov) held an IPW Lecture on 19 January 2022. Moderation by Barbara Prainsack


Discourses on the “Future of Work” attract significant attention in the policy community and beyond. Who will pursue what kind of work in the future? What role will new technologies play in the workplace? Who will need to adapt their skills to a changing work environment? And what role should governments, businesses and trade unions play in the transformation of work? Discourses that address such questions and provide respective policy advice implicitly (re-)negotiate the value of work, norms about distribution and fairness, and the social order. This IPW lecture presents findings from three recent studies that analyse public discourse on the Future of Work, the actors involved in producing it, and the values underpinning it.

IPW lectures

Titel WithDateLink
Where does Europe end? On the return of the language of “Christian Europe”Fabio Wolkenstein, Oliver Marchart (moderation)
Conceptualizing the relation between right-wing populism and gender: an opportunistic synergy and the logic of elite changeElżbieta Korolczuk, Ayse Dursun (moderation)09.06.2021Link
The role and accountability of EU agencies in managing the EU’s ‘refugee crisis’Chiara Loschi, Peter Slominski, Gerda Falkner (Moderation)31.05.2021Link
Ist Populismus ansteckend? Zur Normalisierung rechtspopulistischer Kommunikation in KrisenzeitenDaniel Thiele, Ruth Wodak, Otto Penz (Moderation), Birgit Sauer (Einleitung)17.05.2021Link
The Impact of Racist Political Campaigning on Minorities and Migrants: Evidence from the USA and CanadaJulius Lagodny, Leila Hadj-Abdou (moderation)05.05.2021Link
Die EU vor der Gefahr eines Blackouts?Herbert Saurugg, Torbjørg Jevnaker, Gerda Falkner (Moderation)27.04.2021Link
Budapest's Vision of Citizen EngagementMarietta Le, Tobias Spöri (moderation)27.04.2021Link
Implementing a national vaccination programme in a pandemic: Experiences from the UKClare Seamark, David Seamark, Wanda Spahl (moderation)20.04.2021Link
Rio de Janeiro: Mega-Events and Rapid Urban Change in the 'Divided City'Theresa Williamson, Josefa Stiegler (moderation)20.04.2021Link
Rebordering Europe: Theorizing the Second Other in Gender StudiesTeresa Kulawik, Birgit Sauer (moderation)14.04.2021Link
A leopard can't change its spots: How and why early life experiences affect our attitudes to migration?Lenka Dražanov, Leila Hadj-Abdou (moderation)24.03.2021Link
Beyond Neoliberalism? Financialisation, Middle-Class Pronatalism, and Hungary's New Regime of Social ReproductionDorit Geva, Ayse Dursun (moderation)18.01.2021Link
Das Individuum in der Öffentlichkeit. Vom selbstbestimmten Umgang mit den digitalen MedienStefan A. Marx, Meropi Tzanetakis (Moderation)07.12.2020Link
Connecting degrowth to the Russian/Soviet contextEkaterina Chertkovskaya, Christina Plank (moderation)03.12.2020Link
Ackern unter Hochspannungsleitungen und neben Ölschieferwerken in EstlandLilian Pungas, Christina Plank (Moderation)26.11.2020Link
Populism, neoliberalism and sustainable alternatives in rural EuropeNatalia Mamonova, Christina Plank (moderation)19.11.2020Link
The Economic Sociology of Illicit Drug MarketsKim Moeller, Meropi Tzanetakis (moderation)13.11.2020Link
"And the Walls Remain the Same?“ Local conflict in Northern Ireland in light of Brexit, the Irish border issue and disruptive power sharingBert Preiss, Neil Jarman, Anna Preiser (moderation)20.05.2020Link
Public Interest Tech: Technologie für die Gesellschaft
Julia Kloiber
Zwischen postmodernem Heidentum und identitärem Christentum: Die politische Theologie der Neuen Rechten
Sebastian Pittl
The politics of psychiatry today and tomorrow: Is another psychiatric biopolitics possible?Nikolas Rose
Nationale Souveränität: Crux, Chance und GeschichteHeide Gerstenberger04.12.2019Link
Constructing Failure: A Tool for Participation by the Subjects of Health Research?
Mark Flear
Die sozial-ökologische Tranformation der Welt: Historische Dynamiken, aktuelle Perspektivenk
Karl-Werner Brand


The Politics and Sociology of ‘Getting Tough on Unemployment’: New Data and InsightsCarlo Knotz
The Politics of Mental Health System Reform in Contexts of Humanitarian Emergencies. Toward a Theory of 'Practice-Based EvidenceHanna Kienzler05.06.2019Link
Zerbricht Europa an der Flüchtlingspolitik? EU-Mitgliedstaaten im VergleichPetra Bendel02.05.2019Link
Migration und radikale Demokratie: Die Selbstorganisation von Jugendlichen mit unsicherem AufenthaltsstatusHelge Schwiertz
Die imperiale SehensweiseIlija Trojanow11.04.2019Link
Civic Activism, Economic Nationalism, and Welfare for the Better-Off: Pillars of Hungary’s Illiberal StateBéla Greskovits17.01.2019Link
Labour market integration of immigrants: The employers‘ perspective
Flavia Fossati
Intersektionalität und ambivalente Identitäten
Alex Demirović11.10.2018Link
Protest und Partizipation in PolenIreneusz Paweł Karolewski11.10.2018Link
Humans, Pigs, and Genomes at the Borders: How the Danish Welfare State Metabolizes LifeMette Nordahl Svendsen
The Emergence of Civic Enterprise: Bottom-Up Social Innovation and the Possibilities for Democratic Renewal in the Administrative StateHendrik Wagenaar16.05.2018Link
Against Ethics in Data Mining: For a Political Discussion of a Political Issue
Bernhard Rieder21.03.2018Link