News Archive

Publikationen | Publications

Visnja Vukov has published an article in the journal New Political Economy. Abstract: This paper analyses the political origins of diverse peripheral...

Publikationen | Publications

Anke Sophia Obendiek & Timo Seidl have published an article in the Journal of European Public Policy (Special Issue: Regulatory Security State in...

Publikationen | Publications

Helena Segarra has published an article in the journal East European Politics.

Neuigkeiten | News

PREDEF intervenes at the intersection of cultural research and democratic theory. The project’s aim is to revive the horizon of democratic...

Neuigkeiten | News

Watch the talk with Barbara Prainsack, Chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE), Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and...

Publikationen | Publications

New open access publication in the Earth System Governance journal by Alice Vadrot, Silvia C. Ruiz Rodríguez, Emmanuelle Brogat, Paul Dunshirn, Arne...

Publikationen | Publications

New open access publication in the SSM - Qualitative Research in Health journal by Bettina M.Zimmermann, Hendrik Wagenaar, Katharina Kieslich, Barbara...

Stellungnahme | Statement

On February 24, 2022, the Russian army began an invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law. The Department of Political Science (IPW) at...

IPW Lectures

Dorit Geva (Central European University) held her IPW Lecture on 18 January 2021. Find the recording here.