News Archive

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Mathijs van de Sande (KU Leuven/Radbound University Nijmegen) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the...

Guest lecture by Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) on June 1, 2017 at Hörsaal II, NIG.

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Cornelia Weiss (Military Lawyer) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the Department of Political Science,...

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Emma Dowling (Universität Jena/Middlesex University London) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the...

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Dieter Thomä (Universität St. Gallen) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the Department of Political...

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Hanna Meißner (Technische Universität Berlin) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the Department of...

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Mike Laufenberg (Technische Universität Berlin) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the Department of...

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Eugen Pfister (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) as part of the IPW Lectures, an international lecture series at the...

IPW Lectures

Guest lecture by Karin Scherschel (Hochschule RheinMain/Sir Peter Ustinov Visiting Scholar, University Vienna) as part of the IPW Lectures, an...