
Veranstaltungen | Events

Dieter Seger spricht am Donnerstag, 17. Oktober (19:00), über das politische System Russlands seit 1989.


IPW Lectures

Das Institut für Politikwissenschaft (IPW) veranstaltet regelmäßig Gastvorträge im Rahmen der IPW Lectures, einer langjährigen, internationalen...


Die Institutszeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien sucht Autor:innen und Redakteur:innen für die kommende Ausgabe!

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack and co-author Ilona Kickbusch have published the Data Solidarity Glossary, which was officially launched this week at the European...

Publikationen | Publications

In addition to the Data Solidarity Glossary, Barbara Prainsack and co-author Ilona Kickbusch have published an article on the public value of data use...

Publikationen | Publications

Alina Brad, Etienne Schneider, Danyal Maneka, Carolin Hirt and Simone Gingrich published a new article in Energy Research & Social Science. Abstract:...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack togehter with Anniek de Ruijtera and Tamara Herveyb published a new article in The Lancet Regional Health. Abstract: Trust and...

Neuigkeiten | News

Silvia Ruiz-Rodriguez, SoWi Docs research fellow and affiliated researcher in TwinPolitics, has been elected as one of the speakers of the section of...

Publikationen | Publications

Natália Varabyeu Kancelová published a new article in the Journal Studia Politica Slovaca. Abstract: The election of the far-right ĽSNS (People’s...