
Neuigkeiten | News

Barbara Prainsack was appointed a member of the Science-Policy Standing Committee of ALLEA (All European Academies), the European umbrella...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack, Rohinta Medhora (McGill University) and Louise Holly (University of Geneva) published a policy brief on data solidarity and AI with...

Auszeichnungen | Awards

Eva Kreisky erhält postum den Wiener Frauenpreis der Stadt Wien 2024 in der Kategorie „Wissenschaft und Forschung“. Eva Kreisky widmete ihr Leben der...

Veranstaltungen | Events

On 4-6 November 2024 the International Workshop of the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences, organised in cooperation with the Research Network...

Neuigkeiten | News

SOWI-STEOP Mentoring-Programm im Wintersemester 2024/25. Bewerbung als Mentor:in für die STEOP-Phase.

Publikationen | Publications

Johannes Waldmüller published a new article in the Journal of Global Ethics. Abstract: Situated within the growing literature on green alternatives to...

Publikationen | Publications

Katharina T. Paul, Anna Pichelstorfer, Nora Hansl, Maximilian Martin, Paula-Marie Pucker and Dmitrii Zhikharevich published a new VALUE VACC article...

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New Article by Paul Dunshirn, PhD Student at the DigiGov Platform and affiliated researcher in TwinPolitics, published in Nature Sustainability....

Publikationen | Publications

Henning Deters (EIF) has co-authored an article with Andreas Corcaci for the journal Regional & Federal Studies. Abstract: Since the Lisbon Treaty,...