
Publikationen | Publications

Katharina T. Paul, Anna Pichelstorfer, Nora Hansl, Maximilian Martin, Paula-Marie Pucker and Dmitrii Zhikharevich published a new VALUE VACC article...

Publikationen | Publications

New Article by Paul Dunshirn, PhD Student at the DigiGov Platform and affiliated researcher in TwinPolitics, published in Nature Sustainability....

Publikationen | Publications

Henning Deters (EIF) has co-authored an article with Andreas Corcaci for the journal Regional & Federal Studies. Abstract: Since the Lisbon Treaty,...

Forschungsprojekte | Research Projects

The new ERC Project TwinPolitics led by Assoc. Prof. Alice Vadrot was launched on the 1st of July 2024. TwinPolitics is an ERC-funded five-year...

Publikationen | Publications

Ina Tessnow-von Wysocki and Alice Vadrot published a new MARIPOLDATA Research article in Springer. Abstract: A new legally binding agreement for the...

Publikationen | Publications

Arne Langlet and Alice Vadrot published a new MARIPOLDATA article in Global Environmental Politics. Abstract: The negotiations for a new instrument...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack und Magdalena Eitenberger co-authored the report as part of the "AGIDE-Global Innovation and Digital Ethics" project of the Austrian...

Publikationen | Publications

Magdalena Eitenberger (CeSCoS) published a new article in the Journal Digital Health. Telemedical applications are solutions to challenges in the...


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