Therefore, the Vienna Working Group on Digital Europe (Gerda Falkner, Sebastian Heidebrecht, Anke Obendiek, Elke Schraik, Timo Seidl) cordially invites you to submit paper proposals for an online conference of the Centre for European Integration Research (EIF), Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.
Call for Papers:
Our Call for Papers invites researchers from political science, international relations, political sociology, and related disciplines to help us answer these questions. We are particularly interested in contributions that unpack recent developments in different policy subfields and assess to what extent the ideas surrounding digital sovereignty have translated into actual policy change; and if so, of what order that policy change is. Contributions can use different methodologies but should apply high methodological standards. Authors should be able to situate their theoretical framework in the literature on policy paradigms. They should also speak to the literature on the political economy of digitalisation (how is the digital economy affected by political decisions, be they market-making or market- correcting?) and/or the literature on the geoeconomics of digitalisation (how does geography and geopolitics affect the political economy, be that in terms of market-closing or marketopening to the global digital economy?).
Deadline for the submission of paper proposals: 14.11.2021
Deadline for the submission of full paper drafts: 30.03.2022
Online Conference organised by EIF: 28/29.04.2022