Univ. Ass. Dr. Firoozeh Farvardin, BS MA MA
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Univ. Ass. Dr. Firoozeh Farvardin, BS MA MA
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: D 209
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 92
E-Mail: firoozeh.farvardin@univie.ac.at
Office hour
Upon agreement
Short CV
Firoozeh Farvardin is a sociologist with a multidisciplinary academic background. She studied in Iran and Germany and completed her doctoral thesis on the historical transformation of state and family politics in contemporary Iran at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University in Berlin. Since September 2024, she has been working as a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Political Science (IPW), University of Vienna, where she specializes in politics and gender.
Her research focuses on gender and sexual (counter)strategies in the context of authoritarian neoliberalism, with a particular focus on the Global South. Prior to her current position as a university assistant, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies (IRGAC) of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. During this fellowship, she was affiliated with the Middle East Research Group (MERGE) at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where she had been researching and teaching since 2015.
Research interests
Feminist theories of neoliberalism, affect and social change, Global (anti-) gender movements, Gender and social politics in Iran, state theory, transnational mobility and mobilization, and the politics of knowledge production on these topics, particularly in the Middle East and Iran.
- “(Un)familiar familialism: the recent shift in family politics in Iran.” Firoozeh Farvardin and Nader Talebi, Third World Quarterly (2024), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2024.2387193
- “Challenges of Southern Knowledge Production: Reflections on/through Iran.” Firoozeh Farvardin and Nader Talebi, in the edited book: Displacing Theory Through the Global South, ed. by Iracema Dulley and Özgün Eylül İşcen, Cultural Inquiry, 29, ICI Berlin Press, Berlin, 2024.
- “Other Feminisms: A Subversive Gift to the World” in Beyond Molotovs – A Visual Handbook of Anti-Authoritarian Strategies, ed. by IRGAC, transcript Verlag, 2024.
- “Revolution can happen even if people do not think about it” — an interview with Prof. Asef Bayat, IRGAC, July 2024.
- “Neoliberal governance and the feminist revolution in Iran.” IRGAC-SSCT dossier: Authoritarian capitalism, violence and resistance in times of collapse, IRGAC and Autonomous university of Puebla, Mexico, May 2024.
- “Care to revolt? Making sense of the feminist revolution in Iran.” Firoozeh Farvardin and Nader Talebi, Untold Mag. 2023, April 12.
- "Reproductive Politics in Iran: State, Family, and Women's Practices in Postrevolutionary Iran." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 41, no. 2 (2020): 26-56.