Sara Gebh, MA MPhil Ph.D.
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Sara Gebh, MA MPhil Ph.D.
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: B 207
1010 Vienna
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Short biography
Sara Gebh, BA (University of Hamburg), MA (FU Berlin), MA and MPhil (The New School for Social Research), PhD (The New School for Social Research) with the award-winning dissertation “The Specter of Disorder: Stasis and the Pacification of the Democratic Idea” (Committee: Andreas Kalyvas, Nadia Urbinati, Hubertus Buchstein, Sandipto Dasgupta). 2013-2016 Research Assistant, The New School for Social Research. 2016-2020 University Assistant (praedoc), University of Vienna. 2020-2022 Research Associate, University of Greifswald. Fellowships: Fulbright Full Scholarship (2011/12), The New School for Social Research's Prize Fellowship (2013-2016) and Dissertation Fellowship (2019/20). Her dissertation has been awarded the Dissertation Prize 2023 by the German Political Science Association (DVPW).
Since October 2022, Sara Gebh is a post-doctoral fellow in the ERC project “Prefiguring Democratic Futures. Cultural and Theoretical Responses to the Crisis of Political Imagination” (principal investigator: Oliver Marchart). She leads the subproject “Archive. Refiguring Forgotten Institutions”, in which the institutional memory of the global history of political ideas is reactivated in order to create an archive of institutions that have been largely neglected in current debates about the crisis of democracy. The goal is to carve out those functions of historically ‘forgotten’ institutions that might prove useful for envisioning alternative democratic futures. Sara Gebh’s expertise lies at the intersection of the history of political ideas and radical democratic theory.
Sara Gebh is the Submissions Coordinator for the journal “Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory“; co-speaker of the DVPW working group „Konstruktivistische Theorien der Politik“ and co-editor of the series „Politologische Aufklärung – konstruktivistische Perspektiven“ at Springer VS (together with Paula Diehl, Oliver Marchart, and Florian Hoffmann); member of the Theory Section of the DVPW, the ECPR Standing Group Political Concepts, and the Critical Theories Network.
Areas of research
Political Theory and History of Ideas; Democratic Theory; Radical Democracy; History of Anti-Democratic Thought; Conflict and Stasis; Civil Disobedience, Protest and Resistance.
Selective bibliography
- “Exzessive Freiheit: Lizenz als grundloser Grund der Radikaldemokratie?”, in Transformationen des Politischen, edited by Lucas von Ramin, Karsten Schubert, Vincent Gengnagel and Georg Spoo. Bielefeld: transcript (2023), 163-182. [Excessive Freedom: License as the Groundless Ground of Radical Democracy?]
- “Denken in Alternativen: Für eine offensive Verteidigung der Radikaldemokratie”, Leviathan 50(4) (2022), 577-594. [Thinking in Alternatives: For an Offensive Defense of Radical Democracy]
- „The Substance of Procedures“, Philosophy & Social Criticism 47(1) (2021), 22-25.
- „Zwischen Ordnung und Nicht-Ordnung: Demokratische Stasis als Alternative zum radikaldemokratischen Konfliktbegriff“, in Institutionen des Politischen: Perspektiven der radikalen Demokratietheorie, edited by Steffen Herrmann und Matthias Flatscher. Baden-Baden: Nomos (2020), 111-138. [Between Order and Non-Order: Democratic Stasis as an Alternative for a Radical-Democratic Concept of Conflict]
- „Book Review Essay: Giorgio Agamben ‚Stasis. Civil War as a Paradigm (Homo Sacer II,2)‘ and Dimitris Vardoulakis ‚Stasis Before the State. Nine Theses on Agonistic Democracy‘“, Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 26(2) (2019), 344-346.
- “Shameless Cosmopolitanism: Diogenes the Cynic and the Paradox of the Cosmopolis.” Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought 2(1) (2013), 65-81.