In Memoriam

ao. Univ.Prof. Dr. phil. Roman Horak

Roman Horak is sitting on a red sofa and thoughtfully leafing through a book lying on the coffee table in front of him. The photo was taken by Sabine Jelinek in 2010.


It is with sadness and sympathy that we announce the passing of ao. Univ.Prof. Dr phil. Roman Horak, long-time lecturer at the Department of Political Science.

In Roman Horak we have lost a committed and valued colleague. We express our sincere sympathy to his relatives.

Obituary of Georg Spitaler and Otto Penz and Andrei S. Markovits (in German)

Obituary of the University of Applied Arts, Vienna (in German)

emer. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Kreisky


The Department of Political Science mourns Eva Kreisky, a pioneer of German-language feminist political science and long-time head of the Department, who made a significant contribution to the establishment of political science as a subject in Austria. In Eva Kreisky, the Department has lost a fierce fighter for critical scholarship and a democratic university.

We hold Eva Kreisky in grateful and honourable memory for her formative achievements.

We express our sincere sympathy to her relatives, friends and companions.

The Head of the Department, the Director of Studies and all employees of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.

Obituary of the employees of the Department of Political Science, the memorial speeches and the book of condolence (in German)

Franziska Schultz

18.12.1949 - 1.2.2024

The Department of Political Science mourns Franziska Schultz.
We remember her fondly as a colleague with attitude, who was astute in recognising problems, addressing them and always looking for solutions, who had a wonderful sense of humour, was inclusive and supportive of feminism.

We express our sincere sympathy to her friends, companions and relatives. 

The Head of the Department, the Director of Studies and all employees of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.

Obituary of the employees of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (in German)

Prof. Dr. Irene Etzersdorfer

19.12.1958 – 28.10.2022

The Department of Political Science mourns Irene Etzersdorfer.
She leaves a huge gap in the Austrian academic landscape. For her formative services to Political Science in teaching and research, we keep her in grateful and honourable memory.

We express our sincere sympathy to her relatives.

The Head of the Department, the Director of Studies and all employees of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna.

Obituary of the employees of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (in German)

ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Ingfrid Schütz-Müller

09.03.1944 – 18.09.2018

The Department of Political Science mourns Ingfrid Schütz-Müller.
We owe him a great deal of gratitude for his extraordinary engagement in research and teaching as well as for his services as bridge-builder into Austrian politics and other countries. We keep him a grateful and honorable memory.

We express our sincere sympathy to his relatives.

Obituary of the employees of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (in German)

Obituary of the Department for Cultural- and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna (in German)

o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schneider

10.08.1929 – 01.04.2018

As co-founder of the Department of Political Science (University of Vienna) and as a professor of many years' standing the Austrian Political Science owes Heinrich Schneider a great deal of gratitude.

The Department of Political Science mourns a highly esteemed colleague.
We express our sincere sympathy to his relatives.

Obituary Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (in German)

Obituary Department of European Politics Berlin

Obituary The Archdiocese of Vienna (in German)

Obituary Kathpress - Catholic Press Agency Austria (in German)

Dr. Gudrun Hauer

08.07.1953 – 04.11.2015

The department loses with Gudrun Hauer, long-term lecturer at the Department of Political Science, a committed and valued colleague.


Obituary Department of Political Science (Karin Liebhart, in German)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Gottweis

08.02.1958 – 31.03.2014

With the Death of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Gottweis the Austrian political science and the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna loses a ground-breaking personality, a passionate scientist and a central actor.

Obituary of the Colleagues of the Department of Political Science

Obituary for Herbert Gottweis, by Barbara Prainsack (Research Platform Life - Science - Governance / King's College London)

Valediction for Herbert Gottweis (BioSocieties: Palgrave Macmillan)

Short biography & research focus (pdf file)

Curriculum Vitae (pdf file)

Publications (pdf file)