Univ.-Ass. Dr. Ivan Josipovic, MA MSc (WU)
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Univ.-Ass. Dr. Ivan Josipovic, MA MSc (WU)
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: B 205
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 46
E-Mail: ivan.josipovic@univie.ac.at
Short biography
Ivan Josipovic studied political science at the University of Vienna and socioeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Since 2018, he has been working as research associate at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, where he engaged in an EU project on the topic of migration governance. He joined INEX in 2021 and is currently pursuing his own PhD project that deals with digital infrastructures in migration control. Since 2022, he is part of the STS-MIGTEC Network. In 2023, he was a visiting fellow at the GESS Department of the ETH Zurich. He has won the Early-Career Researcher Prize of 2023 for his article “What Can Data Justice Mean for Asylum Governance? The Case of Smartphone Data Extraction in Germany”. The annual Prize recognizes an outstanding article published in an issue of the Journal of Refugee Studies in the preceding calendar year by an early-career researcher.
Dissertation project: The politics and legitimacy of the digital evidence in asylum governance
Research interests
European and national asylum policy, migration and border regimes, empirical social Research
Selective bibliography
- Josipovic, I. (2024): "Digitalising Asylum Procedures: The Legitimisation of Smartphone Data Extraction for Retrospective Border Control", Geopolitics, doi: 10.1080/14650045.2023.2288162.
- Josipovic, I. (2023): "What Can Data Justice Mean for Asylum Governance? The Case of Smartphone Data Extraction in Germany", Journal of Refugee Studies, fead049, doi: 10.1093/jrs/fead049.
- Josipovic, I., Rosenberger, S. and Segarra, H. (2023): "Policy Entrepreneurs of European Disintegration? The Case of Austrian Asylum Governance After 2015", Politics and Governance 11(3), 79-90. doi: 10.17645/pag.v11i3.6790.
- Josipovic, I. (2022): "Wenn das Smartphone der Kontrolle dient – Zur Datenträgerauswertung im österreichischen Asylverfahren". Juridikum: Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht, Gesellschaft 1/2022, p.20-32.
- Josipovic, I. and Reeger, U. (2022): Two Sides of the Same Coin. Post-“Refugee Crisis” Debates on Migration and European Integration in Austrian Party Politics. In: Foley, J.; Korkut, U.: Contesting Cosmopolitan Europe - Euroscepticism, Crisis and Borders. Amsterdam University Press.
- Josipovic, I., Reeger, U. and Rottman, S. (2020): "Beyond Legal Status: Dimensions of Belonging among Forced Migrants in Istanbul and Vienna", Social Inclusion, Vol.8, No.1, pp.241-251.