Dr. Arne Langlet
Photo source: private.
Dr. Arne Langlet
ERC research project MARIPOLDATA
Kolingasse 14-16/5th Floor, Room 5.07
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 41
E-Mail: arne.langlet@univie.ac.at
Homepage: https://www.maripoldata.eu/
Short biography
Arne Langlet, holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of Vienna, specializing in the marine biodiversity regime complex and the study of international negotiations and organizations. His academic background includes a Master's in International Relations from Berlin, focusing on environmental policy and quantitative analysis, and a Bachelor's in European Studies from Maastricht University. From 2019 to 2023 he was a PhD student in the ERC research project MARIPOLDATA. He currently works as a research associate (post-doc) at the Horizon Europe project MARCO-BOLO (MARine COastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations) researching the use of marine biodiversity data among stakeholders to align product development with needs of policy-making and as a Fisheries Consultant for the FAO, focusing on ecosystem restoration. Additionally, he offers his expertise to the IUCN as a member of the High Seas Specialist Group. He is also a data scientist, volunteering with CorrelAid to consult for social organizations and develop workshops on data visualization. His work is reflected in multiple publications focusing on marine biodiversity, policy-making and the study of international negotiations.
Research interests
Marine biodiversity governance, international organizations, international negotiations, network analysis
Selected Publications
- Langlet, A. & Vadrot, A.B.M. (2024). Expert Authority Politics in the Marine Biodiversity Complex. Global Environmental Politics, 1–24.
- Langlet, A., & Vadrot, A.B.M (2023). Negotiating regime complexity: Following a regime complex in the making. Review of International Studies, 1-21.
- Langlet, A. & Vadrot, A.B.M. (2023). Not ‘undermining’ who? Unpacking the emerging BBNJ regime complex. Marine Policy, 147: 105372
- Langlet, A. & Vadrot, A.B.M. (2023). IOs in the BBNJ Regime Complex – the dataset. Data in Brief, 48, 109153
- Langlet, A., Leiter, T., Wysocki, I., & Thew, H. (2023). Experiences: Reflecting and Comparing Research on Negotiations. In H. Hughes & A. Vadrot (Eds.), Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (pp. 249-266). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Langlet, A., Wanneau, K., Dunshirn, P., Ruiz Rodríguez, S., Tessnow-von Wysocki, I. & B.M.Vadrot, A. (2022). A matter of time: the impacts of Covid-19 on marine biodiversity negotiations. Négociations, 37, 39-65.
- Vadrot, A.B.M., Langlet, A. & Tessnow-von Wysocki, I. (2022). Who owns marine biodiversity? Contesting the world order through the `common heritage of humankind´ principle. Environmental Politics, 31(2): 226-250
- Vadrot, A.B.M. Langlet, A., Tessnow-von Wysocki, I.. Tolochko, P., Brogat, E. & Ruiz-Rodríguez, S.C. (2021). Marine Biodiversity Negotiations During COVID-19: A New Role for Digital Diplomacy?. Global Environmental Politics, 21(3): 169–186
- Vadrot, A.B.M., Ruiz-Rodríguez, S.C., Brogat, E., Dunshirn, P., Langlet, A., Tessnow-von Wysocki, I. & Wanneau, K. (2022). Towards a reflexive, policy-relevant and engaged ocean science for the UN decade: A social science research agenda. Earth System Governance, 14: 100150
Other publications, policy briefs and online resources
- Langlet, A., & Dunshirn, P. (2023). Traceability options for marine genetic resource from areas beyond national jurisdiction. High Seas Alliance Policy Brief. www.highseasalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/traceability-options-paper-1.pdf