Danyal Maneka, BA MA
Photo source: private.
Danyal Maneka, BA MA
Ferstelgasse 5/top floor, apartment 25
Room: D 03
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 85
E-Mail: danyal.maneka@univie.ac.at
Short CV
• Since November 2022: Chapter Scientist in the APCC Assessment Report on Climate Change in Austria (AAR2)
• Since January 2021: Officer for Science Communication at Diskurs. Das Wissenschaftsnetz
• June 2018 - November 2020: Research and administrative assistant in the research project Social-ecological transformation: Industrial conversion and the role of trade unions (CON-LABOUR)
• Summer semester 2022: Lecturer at the Institute of Sociology (University of Vienna)
• 2017 - 2022 Master's degree in Political Science (University of Vienna)
• 2013 - 2017 Bachelor's degree in Political Science (University of Vienna)
Research interests
Social-ecological transformation conflicts, (auto-)mobility, industrial policy, materialist state theory, hegemony theory, science communication, Politics of climate change, Carbon management
Selected biblopgraphy
- 2024. The politics of carbon management in Austria: Emerging fault lines on carbon capture, storage, utilization and removal, Energy Research and Social Science 116 (mit Alina Brad, Etienne Schneider u.a.)
- 2021. Beyond the jobs-versus-environment dilemma? Contested social-ecological transformations in the automotive industry, Energy Research and Social Science 79 (with Melanie Pichler, Ulrich Brand a.o.)