Univ.-Ass. Rebekka Pflug, M.A.
Photo source: ©Rasmus Tank.
Univ.-Ass. Rebekka Pflug, M.A.
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: D 211
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 45
E-Mail: rebekka.pflug@univie.ac.at
Consultation hours
Wednesday, 11:00-13:00 (Registration by e-mail is requested)
Short CV
Rebekka Pflug studied political science at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg i.B. from 2012 to 2016 and Eastern European studies with a focus on law at the Eastern European Institute (OEI) of the Free University of Berlin from 2016 to 2020 with stays in Poland and Georgia. The topic of her Master's thesis was a legal history paper with an analysis of the factors influencing the legislative processes on the right to abortion in Poland and Germany since 1989. She was then employed as a research assistant with Prof. Dr Eva Kocher at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) from 2020 to 2022, where she was part of the interdisciplinary research group "Models of Live-In Care", which dealt with domestic care provided by so-called live-ins from East Central Europe in Germany.
Research interests
Social movement research (women's movement, anti-gender movement, rights movements), welfare states (gender regime, care regime), feminist theory in and to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)