Madlyn Sauer
Photo source: Annabel Steen.
Madlyn Sauer
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: B 201
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 97
Office hour
After agreement
Short biography
Madlyn Sauer, DIPL studied stage and costume design and applied theater studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden in 2014- 2020. Subsequently, she was an artistic assistant in stage and costume design until April 2022. Since 2021 she is a doctoral researcher in the Department of Cultural Analysis at the University of Zurich and in the Zurich Phd program Epistemologies of Aesthetic Practices on Doing Justice Otherwise: The convening of civil society tribunals between retribution, restoration and transformation (supervision Prof. Dr. Sylvia Sasse). Scholarships: study scholarship (2016-2020) and PhD scholarship (2022- vrsl. 2024) by the foundation Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
Since May 2023, Madlyn Sauer is a research associate (prae-doc) in the sub-project I Culture – Pre-enacting Democratic Spaces in the ERC project Prefiguring Democratic Futures. Cultural and Theoretical Responses to the Crisis of Political Imagination” (Prof. Dr. Oliver Marchart).
Areas of research
History and Practice of civil society tribunals; Social Movement Research; Peace and Conflict Studies; Protest and Resistance; Transformative and social Justice; Decolonial Theory; Abolitionism
Selective bibliography
- Wir klagen an. Die NSU-Tribunale als Praxis zwischen Kunst, Recht und Politik. Münster: Unrast Verlag 2022.