Helena Segarra, Dr.in
Photo source: private.
Helena Segarra, Dr.in
Ferstelgasse 5/top floor, apartment 25
Room: D 03
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 53
E-Mail: helena.segarra@univie.ac.at
Short biography
2008-2012 Bachelor in Arabic and Islamic Science (Orientalistik) University of Vienna and Inalco Paris
2012-2015 Master in Sociology and Gender Studies at EHESS, Paris and FU Berlin
2016-2023 PhD at the University of Vienna, with a visiting PhD position at the Department FISPPA, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (2 Months) and the Marietta Blau Scholarship at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès (8 Months)
2020-2022 Researcher in the Erasmus+ Project Bordeur
2022-2025 Co-Project Lead in the Erasmus+ Project Helci
Research interests
European Asylum Policy, Accommodation, Multi-Level-Governance, Borders - bordering and border work, Critical Migration Research, Higher Education, Inclusion.
Selected publications
- Josipovic, Ivan, Rosenberger Sieglinde und Segarra, Helena (2023): "Policy Entrepreneurs of European Disintegration? The Case of Austrian Asylum Governance After 2015", Politics and Governance 11(3), 79-90. doi: https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v11i3.6790.
- Helena Segarra (2023) Dismantling the reception of asylum seekers: Hungary’s illiberal asylum policies and EU responses, East European Politics, DOI: 10.1080/21599165.2023.2180732
- Haselbacher, M. / Segarra, H. (2022) Freiwilliges Engagement im Bereich Flucht und Asyl. Auseinandersetzungen um Handlungsmacht, Hierarchien und (De)Politisierung. In: Reitmair-Juárez, S. und Lange, D. (Hg) Das Politische in der Demokratiebildung. Zu Partizipation und Handlungsräumen mündiger Bürger*innen. Wochenschau Verlag. Frankfurt am Main. S. 160 – 180.
- Haselbacher, M. / Segarra, H. (2021): Politics of adjustment: rural mayors and the accommodation of refugees. In: Territory, Politics and Governance, Link (Download, Open Access).
- Segarra, H. (2020): The Reception of Asylum Seekers in Europe: Exclusion through Accommodation practices. In: Jesse, M (Ed.), European Societies, Migration, and the Law: The "Others" amongst "Us". Cambridge University Press, pp. 213-229.