Univ.-Ass. Visnja Vukov, MSc PhD
Photo source: private.
Univ.-Ass. Visnja Vukov, MSc PhD
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: D 207
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 42
E-Mail: visnja.vukov@univie.ac.at
Consultation hours
By appointment
Short biography
Visnja joined the IPW in May 2022. She was previously a tenure-track assistant professor at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and a senior researcher at the joint Johns Hopkins University – Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Centre (2016-2022). She also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the European University Institute in Florence (2013-2015). Her research explores how the interaction of European integration and domestic politics shapes economic transformations and growth models in peripheral countries in the EU. Visnja holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences of the European University Institute in Florence (2013) and an MSc in Sociology of the University of Oxford (2007).
Research focus
Comparative and international political economy; European integration; East European politics and societies
Selected bibliography
- Vukov, V. (2021) ‘Dependency, development and the politics of growth models in Europe’s peripheries’ in Madariaga, A. and Palestini, S. (eds.) Global Capitalism in Latin America and Europe: From Situations to Mechanisms of Dependency. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp 157-181
- Vukov, V. (2020) ‘More Catholic than the Pope? Europeanization, industrial policy and transnationalised capitalism in Eastern Europe’ Journal of European Public Policy 27 (10), 1546-1564
- Vukov, V. (2020) ‘European integration and weak states: Romania’s road to exclusionary development’ Review of International Political Economy 27 (5), 1041-1062
- Bruszt, L. and Vukov, V. (2018) ‘Governing market integration and development - lessons from Europe’s Eastern and Southern peripheries’ Special Issue in Studies in Comparative International Development 52(2)
- Bruszt, L. and Vukov, V. (2017) ‘Making States for the Single Market. European integration and the reshaping of economic states in the Southern and Eastern peripheries of Europe’. West European Politics 40(4): 663-687
- Vukov, V. (2016) ‘The rise of the Competition State? Transnationalization and state transformations in Europe’ Comparative European Politics 14(5): 523-546. Winner of the CEP/CES-GPE 2014 Early Career Scholar Prize