News Archive

Lecture by Frank Schimmelfennig, Professor of European Politics, ETH Zürich; Director of the Center for Comparative and International Studies, Zürich...

Neuigkeiten | News

When: Thursday, 17 May 2018, 9.30 – 10.45 am Where: Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstr. 7, 1010 Vienna, ground floor, Hörsaal III (attention:...

IPW Lectures

When: Wednesday, 23rd May 2018, 18:30. Where: Konferenzraum IPW (A 0222), NIG second floor, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna....

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 24. May 2018, 17:00. Where: Konferenzraum IPW (A 0222), NIG second floor, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna....

Lecture by Berthold Rittberger (Chair of International Relations, Department of Political Science, University of Munich) on Tuesday, 24 April 2018,...

When: Wednesday, 18. April 2018, 16:45 - 18:15. Where: Hörsaal II, NIG, ground floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Opening remarks: Prof. Dr....

When: Thursday, 19. April 2018, 17:30. Where: oiip, Berggasse 7, 1090 Vienna. A Talk with Ambassador Swanee Hunt on the topic "can women stop war?".

IPW Lectures

Listen here to the audio recording of Bernhard Rieder's IPW lecture on the topic: "Against Ethics in Data Mining. For a Political Discussion of a...

IPW Lectures

When: Thursday, 22. March 2018, 18:30. Where: Hörsaal I, NIG ground floor, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Guest lecture by...