
Forschungsprojekte | Research Projects

The new ERC Project TwinPolitics led by Assoc. Prof. Alice Vadrot was launched on the 1st of July 2024. TwinPolitics is an ERC-funded five-year...

Publikationen | Publications

Ina Tessnow-von Wysocki and Alice Vadrot published a new MARIPOLDATA Research article in Springer. Abstract: A new legally binding agreement for the...

Publikationen | Publications

Arne Langlet and Alice Vadrot published a new MARIPOLDATA article in Global Environmental Politics. Abstract: The negotiations for a new instrument...

Publikationen | Publications

Barbara Prainsack und Magdalena Eitenberger co-authored the report as part of the "AGIDE-Global Innovation and Digital Ethics" project of the Austrian...

Publikationen | Publications

Magdalena Eitenberger (CeSCoS) published a new article in the Journal Digital Health. Telemedical applications are solutions to challenges in the...


Die 52. Ausgabe der Institutszeitschrift Politix ist ab sofort erhältlich! Druckexemplare der neuen Ausgabe sind ab sofort am Institut kostenlos...

Publikationen | Publications

Henning Deters (EIF) published a new article in the Journal Politics and Governance. Populist governments engage in “unpolitics” when the electoral...

Publikationen | Publications

New d|part report published by Neele Eilers, Tobias Spöri und Jan Eichhorn. d|part conducted a comprehensive research project, surveying eight EU...

Neuigkeiten | News

Barbara Prainsack as chair of the European Group on Ethics hands over new statement to Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica.