Univ.-Ass. Lucie Naudé, BA MA MPhil

Portraitfoto von Lucie Naudé.

Fotoquelle: privat.


Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2. Stock
Zi.-Nr.: D 213
1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-494 94
E-Mail: lucie.naude@univie.ac.at


Nach Vereinbarung


Lucie Naudé joined the IPW in September 2024. She is a prae-doc university assistant for the area of Politics and Gender and a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Vienna. 

With her dissertation on NGO feminism in Colombia, Lucie focuses on how feminist subjects work together across transnational power asymmetries and institutional constraints. Through an ethnographic approach, her research explores the social and ethical life of feminist projects and the division of feminist labor beyond activist/institutional divides, with a transnational perspective on Latin America and Spain. 

Lucie has an international multidisciplinary academic background in Political Science (BA & MA - Sciences Po Grenoble 2019), Sociology and Social Anthropology (MPhil - Central European University 2024). She speaks fluently French, Spanish and English, and is learning German. 


Political and moral subjectivities, institutionalization of activism, transnational gender politics, political solidarity, emotions and progressive political projects, NGO politics and (global) civil society. 
