Dr. Ayse Dursun, M.A.
Photo source: private.
Dr. Ayse Dursun, M.A.
Neues Institutsgebäude
Universitätsstr. 7/2nd floor
Room: D 213
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-494 20
E-Mail: ayse.dursun@univie.ac.at
Office hour
After agreement
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Short CV
Ayse Dursun studied Political Science and English Studies at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main und graduated in 2010. Following her graduation, she started a PhD on the topic „Muslim Women’s Movements in Turkey: An Intersectional Approach to Coalition Building“ at the Department of Political Science of the University of Vienna. During her PhD, she worked as a research assistant at the same Department for the following projects: „Fördert Föderalismus Frauen? Föderalisierte Gleichstellungspolitik in Österreich und Deutschland“ (Does Federalism Promote Gender Equality? Federalized Gender Equality Policies in Austria and Germany) (duration: 2012-2014) as well as “In Whose Best Interests? Exploring Unaccompanied Minors‘ Rights through the Lens of Migration and Asylum Processes“ (MinAs) (duration: July 2014-December 2015). In May 2018, she received her PhD. From January until September 2019 she was working as a researcher for the research project Migrant Communities and Children in a Transforming Europe (MiCREATE) at the Department for Political Science. Since October 2019 she is Post Doc Assistant with research focus on Gender and Politics at the Department of Political Science. She is Steering Committee member of the Standing Group “Gender and Politics” of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Research interests
Feminist theory, gender equality policies, intersectionality, social reproduction and care, women’s movements, migration
- Organized Muslim Women in Turkey: An Intersectional Approach to Building Women’s Coalitions. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- „Contested Integration: Hegemony Projects in the Field of Education in Austria.“ Critical Policy Studies, p. 1-20. Together with Stella Wolter, Mira Liepold, Dovaine Buschmann and Birgit Sauer.
- “Financing Gender Equality: Budgets for Women’s Policies in German and Austrian Länder.“ German Politics and Society 136, 40, p. 1-26. Together with Sabine Land and Birgit Sauer.
- “Extending the ‘Private’ Sphere: Conservative Women’s Politics of Charity in Turkey.” Journal of Gender Studies 28(8), 2019, pp.948-959.
- “Counter-Intersectionality: The Politics of Conservative Women’s NGOs in Turkey” In Gendered Mobilizations: Intersectional Challenges in North American and European Social Movements, eds. Jill Irvine, Celeste Montoya, Sabine Lang. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019.
- “Der Aufstieg von konservativen Frauen-NGOs in der ‘neuen Türkei’: Eine Analyse des Vereins für Frau und Demokratie” (The Rise of Conservative Women’s NGOs in ‘New Turkey’: An Analysis of the Association for Woman and Democracy). In Patriarchat im Wandel: Frauen und Politik in der Türkei, ed. Aslı Aksoy. Campus, 2018.
- “Ayşe Dursun im Interview mit dem İstanbul Feminist Kolektif (Feministisches Kollektiv Istanbul): Feministische Kämpfe an der Schnittstelle von Neoliberalismus, religiösem Konservatismus und Krieg in der Türkei” (Ayşe Dursun’s Interview with İstanbul Feminist Kolektif (Istanbul Feminist Collective): Feminist Struggles at the Interface between Neoliberalism, Religious Conservatism and War in Turkey). In Dauerkämpfe. Feministische Zeitdiagnosen und Strategien, eds. Brigitte Bargetz, Eva Kreisky, and Gundula Ludwig. Campus, 2017.
- “Asylum Experiences in Austria from the Perspective of Unaccompanied Minors: Best Interest of the Child in Reception Procedures and Everyday Life.” In Unaccompanied Children in European Migration and Asylum Practices: In Whose Best Interests?, eds. Mateja Sedmak, Barbara Gornik, Birgit Sauer, and Daniel Senovilla Harnández. Routledge, 2017. Together with Birgit Sauer.
- “Unbegleitete Minderjährige Geflüchtete in Österreich: Flucht-, Ankunfts- und Alltagserfahrungen” (Unaccompanied Minors in Austria: Escape, Arrival and Everyday Experiences). SWS Rundschau, 3, 2016, pp. 297-319. Together with Birgit Sauer.
- “The Best Interest of the Child in a “Two-Class-System”: Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers in Austria.” In A Journey to the Unknown. The Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Between Theory and Practice, eds. Mateja Sedmak, Blaž Lenarčič, Zorana Medarić, and Tjaša Žakelj. Annales, 2015. Together with Birgit Sauer.
- “Muslim Groups in the Gezi Park Protests: Identity Politics and Contentious Politics under Authoritarian Neoliberalism.” In Contentious Politics in the Middle East, ed. Fawaz Gerges. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
- Gezi-Park-Proteste in der Türkei: Neue Möglichkeiten, alte Grenzen? (Gezi Park Protests in Turkey: New Possibilities, Old Limits?) Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 42, 2013, pp. 443-450. Together with Ilker Ataç.