Comparative Politics
Focus Southeastern and Eastern Europe
The area of comparative political science with a focus on Eastern and Southeastern Europe researches and teaches on questions of political and economic transformation and the manifold crises in the region especially since the 2000s. At the center of its research program are issues in comparative capitalism and the rise of of ultra-conservative and right-wing populist parties. Geographically, the area focusses on countries in Eastern Central Europe and the Western Balkans.
The area is involved in inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation at the University of Vienna, particularly within the framework of the Research Center for the History of Transformation (RECET). In this context, the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie project on Political Ecologies of Land in Southeast Europe, led by Dr. Katarina Kušić, and the doctoral program “The Dynamics of Change and the Logics of Transformation: State, Society, and Economy at Critical Junctures”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) are particularly noteworthy.
The area organizes the Vienna Seminars in Political and Economic Transformations (VIPET).
Der Bereich vergleichende Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Ost- und Südosteuropa forscht und lehrt zu Fragen der politischen und ökonomischen Transformation und den vielfältigen Krisen seit den 1990er Jahren. Im Zentrum stehen die vergleichende Kapitalismusforschung sowie die Analyse des Erstarkens ultrakonservativer und rechtspopulistischer Parteien in einzelnen Ländern der Region. Der geographische Fokus liegt insbesondere auf Ländern Ostmitteleuropas sowie des westlichen Balkans.
Der Bereich ist an der Universität Wien in inter- und transdisziplinäre Kooperation eingebunden, insbesondere im Rahmen des Research Centers for the History of Transformation (RECET). Hier sind insbesondere das von Dr. Katarina Kušić durchgeführte EU-finanzierte Marie-Skłodowska Curie Projekt zu Political Ecologies of Land in Southeast Europe sowie das vom Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) finanzierte Doktorand*innenprogramms “The Dynamics of Change and the Logics of Transformation: State, Society, and Economy at Critical Junctures” zu nennen.
Der Bereich organisiert die Vienna Seminars in Political and Economic Transformations (VIPET).
Our Research Group
- Vienna Seminars in Political and Economic Transformations - ViPET
- Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement
- From values-based foreign policy to industrial policy of technology transfer: the case of Taiwanese semiconductors in Lithuania
- Liberal democracy after the Good Change: the challenges of post-PiS reform in Poland
- Attention, Shoppers! American Retail Capitalism and the Origins of the Amazon Economy
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