Staff of the Department of Political Science

The team of scientific and administrative colleagues at the department.

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Work and Research fields
Auer, Marlene
Student project assistant in the research project "Beyond Hot Air: Weaving knowledge around critical raw material supply for the 'green' transition"
Bohle, DorotheeCentral and Eastern European economy and politics; Comparative political economy (varieties of capitalism, institutional political economy, welfare states, industrial relations, housing finance regimes); International political economy (European integration, financialisation)
Boos, TobiasInternational Political Economy, Social Structure Analysis, (Left-wing) Populism, State theory of the Global South, Political Theory
Brad, Alina
(Senior Scientist)
International Climate, Environmental and Resource Policy, Political Ecology, Carbon Removal Technologies, Social-Ecological Transformation - Regional Focus Southeast Asia
Brand, Ulrich
(on research leave from 01.10.2024 until 30.06.2025)
International politics and crisis of globalisation; international climate, environmental and resource policy; civil society; trade unions and social movements; imperial mode of living; socio-ecological transformation; Latin America
Chapotot–Necker, Julia Research administration and coordination, ERC research project MARIPOLDATA and research project MARCO-BOLO
Cyganik, DominikaAdministrative staff of the Department
Deters, Henning
EU Judicial Politics, EU Environmental and Climate Policy, EU Single Market Policy, Regional Parliaments in the EU
Dursun, AyseFeminist Theory, Policies of Gender Equality, Intersecionality, Social movements, Migration
Egger, ManuelaStudies Service Unit Political Science
Eitenberger, Magdalena
(on research leave from 25.08.2024 until 23.03.2025)
digital health, healthcare technology, digital ethics, social policy
Eyselein, GabrielEuropean raw-material policy, international resource policy, international political economy, global value-chains & production networks
Falkner, Gerda
(Head of the EIF – Centre for European Integration Research)
European Integration, Europeanisation, Problems with transposition and application of EU law, The EU’s social dimension and anti-discrimination policy
Fankhauser, IngridCoordinator of the Research Network Latin America studies
Farvardin, FiroozehFeminist theories of neoliberalism, affect and social change, Global (anti-) gender movements, Gender and social politics in Iran, state theory, transnational mobility and mobilization, and the politics of knowledge production on these topics, particularly in the Middle East and Iran.
Fellinger, Simon JoelStudent project assistant, ERC research project MARIPOLDATA
Gebh, SaraPolitical Theory and History of Ideas; Democratic Theory; Radical Democracy; History of Anti-Democratic Thought; Conflict and Stasis; Civil Disobedience, Protest and Resistance
Geva, DoritPolitics and gender, political sociology, state theory, historical sociology, rightwing politics, neoliberalism

Gmoser, Susanne
(currently on leave)

Administrative staff of the Department
Graf, IreneStudies Service Unit Political Science
Grahofer, JuttaStudies Service Unit Political Science
Hajek, KatharinaUniv.-Ass. in the field of Gender & Politics
Hansl, NoraHealth Policy, Vaccination Policy, Interpretative Policy Research, Qualitative Methods
Harjes, CaitlinAdministrative staff of the Department
Heidebrecht, SebastianEU policies for the digital age, EU digital single market, Economic governance and the Eurozone, Working conditions of platform workers
Hirt, CarolinProject assistant (prae doc) in the ERC research project TwinPolitics
Hörmandinger, Florian
Administrative staff of the Department
Huegel, Viktoria
Political theory, radical democracy, new authoritarianism, 20th century German Political Thought, political order and disorder
Josipovic, IvanEuropean and national asylum policy, migration and border regimes, empirical social research
Jurman, LanaInternational politics, political theory, South-Eastern European studies, environmental politics, social and political history of Yugoslavia, racial histories
Kathan, Michaela Department coordinator, administrative staff of the Department
Klock, Moritz
Student project assistant in the research project "Trustees or Agents? The appointment and ideological orientations of the judges at the Court of Justice of the EU"
Kováts, EszterFeminist theory, gender equality policies, anti-gender movements, illiberal rights in Europe
Krischek, CarolineAdministrative staff of the Department
Kurunczi, AlexanderProtest and social movement studies; political utopias and prefigurative practices; political ecology and socio-ecological conflicts; (post-)Marxist theory
Langlet, ArneMarine biodiversity governance, international organizations, international negotiations, network analysis
Lenikus, ValeriePolitical ecology, (neo-)extractivism, agrarian extractivism and socio-ecological conflicts with a regional focus on Latin America
Lettner, ChristianProject assistant (pre-doc) Politics and Biodiversity
Liebhart, KarinVisual Political Communication; Discursive and Visual Representations of Politics; Rightwing Populism and Rightwing Extremism; Gender Studies; Memory Politics and Remembrance Cultures; Qualitative Methods
Lyu, WenwenProject assistant in the ERC research project TwinPolitics
Maneka, DanyalSocial-ecological transformation conflicts, (auto-)mobility, industrial policy, materialist state theory, hegemony theory, science communication, Politics of climate change, Carbon management
Marchart, OliverPolitical theory, social theory, democracy theory, history of political ideas, social movement research, political discourse analysis
Melchior, Josef
(Director of Studies - Political Science Directorate of Studies)
The Political System of the European Union, Europeanization Research, Inequality and Democracy
Menkovski, BojanStudies Service Unit Political Science
Modelhart, AntoniaMedical Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies, Assisted reproductive technologies and antibiotic resistance, qualitative methods
Müller, PatrickProfessor, Center for European Integration Research (EIF)
Naudé, LuciePolitical and moral subjectivities, institutionalization of activism, transnational gender politics, political solidarity, emotions and progressive political projects, NGO politics and (global) civil society
Naue, Ursula
(ERASMUS coordinator, Mobility coordinator, Senior Lecturer)
Disability policy, dementia and age(ing) policy, participation research, inclusion research, human rights implementation
Nütz, FelixProject assistant prae doc in the ERC research project TwinPolitics
Nejadi, Soheil
IT representative - Department of Political Science & Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Paul, Katharina T. Health Policy, Vaccination Policy, Regulation, Medical & Biopolitics, Critical Policy Analysis, Interpretative Policy Research
Pflug, RebekkaSocial movement research (women's movement, anti-gender movement, rights movements), welfare states (gender regime, care regime), feminist theory in and to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Prainsack, Barbara
Health policy; practices, institutions and politics of solidarity; political, social and ethical aspects of Personalised Medicine; data-rich practices in science and medicine; regulation of DNA technologies in medicine and forensics; comparative science & technology policy
Preiser, Anna
Resource and environmental policy, socio-ecological conflicts, Political Ecology, Political Economy, regional focus: Latin America
Radl, Marlene
Feminist state theories, media and populism, masculinism, authoritarian populism, authoritarian statism, feminist political economy, political economy of media and communication, media ownership
Raffa, MonjaStudies Service Unit Political Science
Rajic, DanijelaAdministrative staff of the Department
Rommerskirchen, SvenjaAdministrative staff of the Department
Ruiz R., Silvia C.International Environmental Policy, International Marine Protection, Pnternational Political Economy
Sauer, MadlynHistory and Practice of civil society tribunals; Social Movement Research; Peace and Conflict Studies; Protest and Resistance; Transformative and social Justice; Decolonial Theory; Abolitionism;
Saxinger, Gertrude
Qualitative, ethnographic and decolonial research methods; solidarity in times of a pandemic; social perspectives, in/justice and solidarity in the context of extractive industries and ‘green transition’; Russian and Canadian Arctic and sub-Arctic
Scheibenpflug, Valerie
Political Theory and History of Political Ideas, Boundaries, Crisis, Collective Action, Radical Democracy, Discourse Analysis, Feminist Theory
Schmid, Lina TheresaInternational Political Economy, Political Theory, Latin America, Social Movements
Schreier, StefanAdministrative staff of the Department
Seidl, TimoComparative Political Economy of Digital Capitalism, Digital Policymaking in the EU, Ideational Explanations, Text-as-Data
Seitz, SergejPolitical and Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Theories of Radical Democracy, Discourses of Alterity, Theories of Linguistic Violence
Slominski, Peter
(Vice-Director of Studies - Political Science Directorate of Studies)
European Integration with focus on EU energy policy, the EU's fight against climate change
Sowa, FlorianAdministrative staff of the EIF – Centre for European Integration Research
Stummer, RainerAdministration of the ERC research project PREDEF prefiguring democratic futures, public relations of the Department of Political Theory
Vadrot, Alice
(Deputy Head of Department)
International environmental policy, Multilateral negotiations and environmental diplomacy, Biodiversity policy, Interface between science and politics, International marine conservation
Varabyeu Kancelová, Natália
(currently on leave)
Administration of the Research Platform Governance of digital practices & Administrative staff of the Department
Vukov, VisnjaComparative and international political economy; European integration; East European politics and societies
Weithaler, AnnaPolitical Theory (esp. Radical Democratic Theory and Theories of Solidarity), History of Political Ideas , Theories of Education, Aesthetics
Weiss, EliasSolidarity, Labour Market, Health, Unconditional Basic Income, Electoral Periods
Wieder, AnnaPolitical Philosophy and Theory, Democratic Theory, esp. Theories of Radical Democracy, Social Philosophy, Ethics, Critical Theory, Theories of Resistance, Protest, Civil Disobedience, Theories of Political Practices
Wieringa Hildebrand, EmilProject assistant (prae doc) in the ERC research project TwinPolitics
Wolkenstein, Fabio
(Head of Department)
Democratic Theory, Political Parties and Representation, Political Ideologies (esp. Christian Democracy and Social Democracy)
Wurm, FelixStudent project assistant in the research project "Observing and mapping biodiversity and ecosystems, with particular focus on coastal and marine ecosystems - MARCO-BOLO"
Zhikharevich, DmitriiValuation studies, social theory, economic sociology, history and sociology of expertise, STS